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GIST Programs at MCC!

**GIST micro-credential web site** 

**AAS in GIST web siteGIST flyer! Approved by SUNY Sept 2021**

** Microcredential flyer (workforce) || Micro-Traditional flyer (9 credit)**

**GIST Certificate (24 credits) || ​​​​​ Certificate Flyer!**

Story map highlighting alumni and internship opportunities

AS Geography (GIST concentration)

New Courses
GIS Crime Dashboards (SP 2024) offered to NY State Division Criminal Justice Services
Geospatial Data Acquisition and Management Flyer (Fall 2021 & 22 & 23)
Introduction to Geospatial Programming Flyer (Spring 2022 & 23 & 24)
Web Mapping Flyer (Spring 2022 & 23 & 24) || Sample Final Story Map Projects

Additional MCC GIST Courses
Introduction to GIST (Digital Earth) || Sample Projects2
Introduction to Remote Sensing  || Final Projects
Spatial Analysis and GIST
Capstone in Geospatial Technology

Overview of NSF ATE Results
2021 Summary
2022 Summary
2023 Summary

Meeting Workforce Needs for Skilled Geospatial Technicians through Virtual Geospatial Information Science Technology Education Award #1955256

Monroe Community College of the State University of New York
Rochester, NY

 2020-2024 EVENTS

Geospatial Workshops for Public and College Librarians
2020 Aug 18  Agenda || Sep 3 Agenda || Oct 14 GIST Data Agenda
2021 Sept 16 Agenda (college) || Sept 23 Agenda (public) || Oct 7 DATA Agenda 
2022 April 29 Agenda (Albany, NY) || Sept 8 Agenda (SUNY Albany) || Oct 6  Agenda
2023 Feb 8 MCC Library Intern
2023 Nov 13 Modern GIS Tools to Explore DEI

Alumni Mentor Events including Ask Me Anything (AMA) Audio only
2020  8/26 Agenda || 9/30 AMA || 12/7 AMA 
2021  03/31 AMA || 04/28 AMA || 8/28 Agenda || Sept 30 AMA || Dec 3 AMA
2022 March 3 AMA || May 4 AMA || Sept 26 video || Oct 17 audio || Nov 11 audio || Dec 5 audio
2023 Feb 13 AMA || April 20 AMA || GIS internships (audio, October)
2024 May 9 AMA

Virtual Humanitarian Mapping Club Events
2020 Nov 16 + 18 English (400+ students!) Spanish (60+)
2021 April 5 Flyer || Nov 15 + 18 Flyer
2022 April 5 Register QR || Nov 14 Mapathon flyer 
2023 March 28 Flyer || Nov 13
2024 March 21 Flyer

Paid Summer Internships
2021 Application Water for South Sudan || New York State Dept. of Health
2022 Application Genesee Land Trust || New York State Dept. of Health
Supplemental Grant: In person research experience with University of Maine
Poster 1 || Poster 2 || Story Map Week 1-4 || Story Map Week 5-8
2023 University of Maine || Town of Farmington
2024 Holocaust Genocide and Human Rights Project (Story Map)
2024 University of Maine CAFS (Student 1, Student 2, Student 3Story Map)

A.A.S. + Micro-credential + Other Events
March 25, 2021 University of Rochester's WAM​ presentation
April 10, 2021 Syracuse University Library Seminar Agenda ||PDF
May 17, 2021 Henrietta Public Library Agenda
Nov 3, 2021 College Orientation/Success Presentation PDF
Nov 15 + 18 (2021) via MCC Mapathon
Jan 14 (2022) MCC Career Center (PDF same as Nov 3)
April 5 (2022) via MCC Mapathon
January (2023) January 19 NYS Division of Criminal Justice Services
November (2023) via Mapathon led by Mapping Club
March (2023) via mapathon led by Mapping Club
Nov (2023) Using Modern GIS Tool to explore DEI presentation (Dr. Kerski)
March (2024) Visit to High Schools/Career Prep (PDF)

2021-2024 Presentations
AAG presentation April 8, 2021 (PDF)
2021 Board of Trustees Approve A.A.S. Presentation (February, 2021)
GIST Advisory Board Meeting: Dec 17, 2020 Agenda
GeoTech Center Guest discusses UAS in GEG 239 (3/16/2021)
June 8-10 GeoEd Presentation
Sept 18, 2021 Meeting with County Legislator PDF
AAG March, 2022 Presentation (PDF)
SUNY Online Summit March, 2022 recording
NYGIS webinar May, 2022 
AACC May, 2022 Presentation (PDF)
GeoEd, June, 2022 Stragies for Virtual Internships (PDF)
GIST Advisory Board Oct 7, 2022 (pdf) and video (mp4).
Center for Advanced Forestry Systems (Oct 25, 2022) meeting (pdf)
NEARC (Nov 6, 2022) Web site
American Association of Geographers (March 24, 2023) pdf 
GIS SIG student lightning talks (April 11, 2023) agenda
SUNY Undergraduate Research Conference student poster pdf (April 14, 2023)
NY GIS conference (Sept 2023) PDF lecture slides

GIST Upward Bound Camps & Workshops
Summer 2020 (7-17-20) Agenda 
Summer 2021 (July 9, 16, 23, Aug 6) Workshop.pdf || Sample activity 1+2
February 23, 2022 Agenda

April 4, 2022 WXXI
Esri Modern GIS (Fall 2022) article
Esri GIST microcredential article (Fall 2022)
GIST program in Rochester Business Journal Feb, 2023 (pdf)
Partnership for Building Equity in GIST (ATE-I) SUNY Albany/German universities
YouTube video (2024) by Dr. Joseph Kerski 

This project aims to develop one of the nation's first Associate in Applied Science degree programs in geospatial information technology that is fully accessible both on campus and online. It is expected that the program will help meet the growing demand for geospatial technicians across Upstate New York. The degree program will be designed to provide students with equal access to state-of-the-art geospatial education, regardless of where they live. Innovative aspects of the project include customizable in-person and online learning, online internships, online mentoring, and hands-on technical support at the college library and public libraries. In addition to educating new technicians, the project will also address regional demand for on-the-job geospatial education by developing an online nine-credit micro-credential focused on topics such as data management, programming, and web mapping.

The project goal is to prepare students for more advanced Geospatial Information Science Technology careers. It plans to achieve this goal by building on the geospatial certificate program that was developed with support from a previous award from the NSF Advanced Technological Education program. Industry-identified requirements will guide improvements to existing courses and development of three new advanced courses. These courses will form the core curriculum for the new Associate in Applied Science degree and micro-credential, both of which can be earned online. Virtual geospatial internships will be designed to support rural organizations that need geospatial information, but are unable to employ a geospatial expert. The project includes research on online education. This research will include comparisons of the effectiveness online mentoring, remote internships, and library support for online learning. The project will also assess the effectiveness of the virtual internships in preparing students to meet the increasing demand for geospatial technicians who can work remotely. Additionally, the project will examine the extent to which online education can meet the needs of underserved students who may be new to online learning or who have limited broadband connections. Dissemination through social media, websites, and presentations at conferences will provide information that other colleges may use as a model for developing their own virtual technical education programs.


Virtual GIST Program logo with NY State and globe


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The National Science Foundation's Advanced Technological Education (ATE) program has been funding innovation at two-year colleges for over twenty years. With a focus on the education of technicians for the high-technology fields that drive our nation's economy, and strong partnerships between academic institutions and industry, ATE promotes improvement in the education of science and engineering technicians at the undergraduate and secondary school levels.

To learn more about ATE, please visit the NSF ATE program home page.