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High School -- Grade 11


This 213-page report looks at education requirements, projected job accessibility and potential earnings by the industries and occupations the jobs cluster in, and differences for male and female workers. The report depicts the most positive outlook for workers with Bachelor's and graduate degrees....
CareerOneStop is provided by the United States Department of Labor and is designed to provide information on high growth, in-demand occupations along with the skills and education needed to attain those jobs. CareerOneStop is a source for employment information and inspiration, a pathway to career...
Screenshot for Career Opportunities Outdoors and Underwater
The ATETV project delivers web-based videos to connect students to careers in advanced technology. In this episode of ATETV, marine technology and environmental technology are discussed. A student competition of remotely operated underwater vehicle technology is shown in the video. Employees with...
Screenshot for Career Pathway
The Minnesota State Advanced Manufacturing Center of Excellence provides this career pathway diagram to help people interested in manufacturing and applied engineering discern how to reach their ideal career. Six levels of careers are included that require increasing amounts of education but also...
This 307-page book, from the National Center for Optics and Photonics Education (OP-TEC), discusses and offers a solution to America's technician shortage in STEM fields. The proposed solution "is to create career pathways for STEM technicians in existing 4000 STEM high schools that would inform,...
In this video by the North Carolina BioNetwork, bioprocessing and possible careers in bioprocessing are discussed. From the network of over 450 biotechnology companies in North Carolina, jobs are available as bioprocessing operators, quality controllers, lab technicians, and chemical and mechanical...
Careers in Biotechnology: A Counselor's Guide to the Best Jobs in the United States was developed from a partnership between California Community Colleges and Bio-Link. The guide "is a quick information source for counselors, instructors and any other person interested in a biotechnology career."...
Screenshot for Careers in Energy: We Bring the Power
This video, produced through a partnership between Washington State University and University of Washington, discusses a variety of careers that work to improve energy efficiency. The video is 9:56 in length and provides a general overview of how power reaches its users. The video includes...
This 32-page resource from the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics provides information on alternative careers in applied mathematics. "In this guide, you will find answers to questions about careers in applied mathematics and computational science, and profiles of professionals working...
Screenshot for Careers in Nanotechnology
When people think of career paths, nanotechnology is probably not on the forefront of their minds. Perhaps it should be. This website, created by The National Nanotechnology Institute Network, shows that nanotechnology will have “increasing impacts on many aspects of our daily lives, the...
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