ATE Impacts

How a Demographic Cliff Could Reshape Community Colleges


A black and white photo of the back of a student, raising their hand

The Demographic Cliff and Its Impact on Community Colleges
The United States is experiencing a significant decline in the number of college-aged students, a phenomenon known as the "demographic cliff." This shift, driven by falling birth rates since the Great Recession, is expected to result in a 13% drop in high school graduates by 2041—nearly half a million fewer annually, according to the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE). For community colleges, this presents a dual challenge of reduced enrollment and financial strain, as many institutions rely on a steady flow of traditional students to sustain their operations.

Adapting to a Shrinking Pool of Students
Community colleges, however, have an opportunity to adapt by reaching out to nontraditional student populations. This includes working adults and Hispanic students, the latter of whom are expected to represent a growing proportion of high school graduates in the coming decades. By focusing on these groups, community colleges can expand their role in providing access to education while maintaining enrollment levels.

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EPCC Project Combines Adversarial Thinking With Peer-Led Team Learning, Hackathons & Workshops


Ivan Alonso, EPCC graduate and peer leader, speaks during a plenary session at the 2024 ATE PI Conference.

Ivan Alonso is an undergraduate who has been involved in multiple facets of ongoing research thanks to his role as a peer leader in the computer science program at El Paso Community College (EPCC).

EPCC’s Developing Computational Adversarial Thinking project (National Science Foundation Award Abstract #2300378), led by Computer Science Professor Christian Servin, explores what happens when adversarial thinking is infused in three introductory computer courses. The project is also studying the impact of experiential learning opportunities on student recruitment and retention.

“Adversarial thinking is a way to think ahead or to prevent potential attacks or capabilities that can happen to your code,” Alonso explained of the combination of cybersecurity skills in software engineering courses during the student poster session at the 2024 ATE Principal Investigators’ Conference in Washington, D.C. A peer leader for one year and then leader of the peer leaders another year, Alonso’s scientific poster included displays of data from several cohorts of EPCC students.

“So we did a kind of an experiment where we had two groups of students. One group that took the courses, just normal courses without the adversarial concept, and then this group that took the courses with the adversarial-thinking concept and the statistics showed that students that took the courses with the adversarial concept implemented more secure programs,” Alonso said, pointing to graphs on his poster.

Peer-led help sessions have been used by EPCC’s computer science faculty since 2013. The Peer-Led Team Learning model started at the City University of New York and has been used in various science, technology, engineering, and math programs across the country.

EPCC faculty and others have found that students have been willing to ask questions of peer leaders that they have been shy about posing to faculty in class or during office hours. At EPCC peer leaders meet in person or online with up to 15 students at a time to work on activities that reinforce concepts taught by the instructor. Participation in these sessions counts toward 10% of students’ grades in the three introductory computer science courses. 

With the ATE grant, EPCC’s computer science program has gained new industry partners who are providing information about real-world challenges. Servin, who is the project’s principal investigator, has incorporated this information in activities for the peer-led team learning sessions as well as for hackathons and workshops that are being supported by the ATE grant. (The grant pays for half of the peer leaders’ wages; half of their wages are paid by the college’s Student Technology Services program.)

Servin said he has found that experiential learning activities “can help the students to get motivated and also increase their sense of belonging.”

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From the Archive: Student Competitions in STEM Education


MATE students piloting a ROV

Student competitions are an engaging way to foster hands-on learning, critical thinking, and collaborative skills in STEM education. These events provide participants with opportunities to apply their knowledge in real-world scenarios, connect with industry professionals, and build their portfolios. Within the ATE community, competitions like the  Community College Innovation Challenge (CCIC) and the MATE ROV Competition exemplify how innovation and teamwork can lead to creative approaches and solutions. Whether tackling challenges, exploring innovative designs, or solving complex problems, these competitions showcase the benefits of experiential learning. Are you advising a student team? Check out Evaluate-Compete, a resource for students participating in robotics, engineering design, and other team competitions.

In this From the Archive blog post, we share three resources highlighting how ATE engages with student competitions. First, a detailed guide offers a roadmap for preparing students to compete in the Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition. Next, a report provides an inside look at a drone business plan competition, which combines entrepreneurship and technology to engage underrepresented students in the growing drone industry. Finally, we share a video that explores strategies for developing and hosting cybersecurity competitions for those interested in organizing their own. Together, these resources provide inspiration and practical advice for educators and participants alike.

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Finding Time for ROV Team Leads Steven Dotts to New Career Path & Awards


At the ATE PI Conference Steven Dotts talked about his team’s experiences at the MATE ROV Competition. (

Two years ago Steven Dotts thought he was too busy to become involved in the Estrella Mountain Community College’s remotely operated vehicle (ROV) team as a professor recommended. Dotts works as an aircraft maintenance technician while taking classes at the Arizona college.

Then one day while working in the campus makerspace he heard team members talking. He offered a few suggestions. The team members appreciated his tips and Dotts eventually joined the team. That first year he had minor roles. But before the start of the 2023-2024 he agreed to be Desert Star Robotics team’s chief executive officer.

At the 2024 MATE ROV World Championship, Dotts and his Desert Star Robotics teammates won second place in the PIONEER Class where they competed against other two-year colleges. (The team is in purple in this video about the 2024 competition.)

Dotts received the international competition’s top award – the Martin Klein MATE MARINER Award that includes a $1,000 cash award.

Each year the award is presented by Klein, who is the inventor of the side scan sonar, to a student who demonstrates not only technical aptitude, “but a passion and commitment to the field of marine science and technology,” according to Jill Zande, MATE’s executive director.

Zande reported that the judge who nominated Dotts called him “a prodigy” and in his notes added “But he and the world [have] yet to realize it."

During a plenary session discussion with three other alumni of ATE grant-funded projects at the 2024 Advanced Technological Education (ATE) Principal Investigators’ Conference and in an interview at the conference, Dotts shared insights he gained from his five-plus years of working as an aviation technician and two years of participating in ROV competitions.

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Building the Future of AI: NAAIC Bridges Education and Industry


A screenshot from the NAAIC website

The National Applied Artificial Intelligence Consortium (NAAIC) is a new NSF ATE-funded initiative that addresses the growing demand for skilled AI professionals in industries nationwide. A collaboration between Miami Dade College, Houston Community College, and Maricopa County Community College District, NAAIC serves as a bridge between community college academia and industry. By developing innovative training programs, offering mentorship, and fostering partnerships with tech giants like Intel, AWS, Microsoft, and Google, NAAIC empowers community colleges to prepare students for impactful careers in AI.

To tell us more about the work of NAAIC, ATE Impacts interviewed NAAIC Co-PI, Antonio Delgado Fornaguera. Antonio is Miami Dade College’s Vice President of Innovation and as such, has secured over $50 million in grants and has launched key programs like the first Bachelor and Associate degrees in Applied AI in Florida, the NSA-designated Cybersecurity Center of the Americas, and the Electric Vehicle Training Center in collaboration with Tesla.

Through NAAIC, Antonio and his team are advancing the education and training of a diverse technical workforce. By creating pathways to industry-aligned AI certifications, supporting faculty professional development, and building a vibrant community of practice, NAAIC ensures that community colleges remain essential to shaping the future of applied AI education.

Can you talk a little about the creation of NAAIC? What needs in the workforce did you see that led to the development of this consortium? 

The National Applied AI Consortium (NAAIC) was created to address a critical shortage of skilled AI professionals and meet the growing demand for workforce development in artificial intelligence. As AI reshapes industries, employers need a workforce that is not only technically proficient but also capable of applying AI to real-world industry challenges. Community colleges play a vital role in addressing this need, as they can provide accessible, practical training programs that are aligned with local and regional workforce demands. With their focus on affordability and flexible learning paths, community colleges are uniquely positioned to offer hands-on, industry-relevant AI training, making it possible for a broader and more diverse student population to enter the AI field. 

NAAIC draws on the practical experience and leadership of pioneering institutions like Miami Dade College (MDC), Houston Community College (HCC), and Maricopa County Community College District (MCCCD), which are the first colleges in the U.S. to develop and implement undergraduate AI degrees. These community colleges bring unique insights into AI workforce development, having created some of the nation’s earliest degree programs tailored to the demands of modern industries in collaboration with companies like Intel, Microsoft, AWS and Google. Their initiatives address the critical shortage of skilled AI professionals by equipping students with foundational and applied AI knowledge that is directly transferable to the workforce. 

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Tribal College Educator Shares Insights for Partnerships with Indigenous People


Sharyl A. Majorski developed relationships with tribal communities through ATE, PETE, and AIHEC programs.

Sharyl A. Majorski has come full circle in the Advanced Technological Education (ATE) program. Her first involvement began 15 years ago when she attended an ATE professional development program for tribal college educators. She was then an adjunct instructor. Now she is the tribal college consultant to Environmental and Natural Resources Technology (EARTh) Center.

To community college educators who want to build effective partnerships with Indigenous communities, Majorski suggests attending a tribal event and showing respect. “True respect values the people from the very beginning of a concept and listens to what they have to say throughout,” she said.

Majorski’s outreach efforts for the EARTh Center are informed by her work with students as an adjunct chemistry and physics instructor at the Saginaw Chippewa Tribal College and as a chemistry lab coordinator at Central Michigan University (CMU).

In 2009 and 2010 Majorski participated in the Tribal College Fellows Institutes offered by the National Partnership for Environmental Technology Education (PETE) with ATE support in collaboration with the Advanced Technology Environmental and Education Center (ATEEC).

She used what she learned at the institutes in multiple ways. First, she added an undergraduate research project at the Saginaw Chippewa Tribal College where students studied the Chippewa River. Students examined water quality through various chemical tests and collected aquatic macroinvertebrates as water quality indicators. Then she helped the college obtain a $400,000 grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture. At CMU she and colleagues wrote a proposal that received a $190,688 Course, Curriculum and Laboratory Improvement grant from the National Science Foundation to purchase equipment for undergraduate researchers to use.

In spring 2024 Majorski moderated discussions at the EARTh Center’s summit with 12 tribal college educators and a tribal community elder. Summit participants’ insights are being incorporated into a best practices guide that the EARTh Center is developing. The summit participants also recommended topics for the weeklong Fellows Institute for Tribal Faculty that the EARTh Center will offer in June 2025 on Beaver Island, Michigan.

Majorski provided written responses to questions about building relationships with tribal college educators and how she sustains partnerships. She also has multiple suggestions about things that educators can do to improve their connections with Native American communities.

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New Research: What Do Dual Enrollment Students Want


A photo of a community college staircase with stairs going different directions

As dual enrollment (DE) programs continue to grow, with nearly 2.5 million students participating, DE programs offer a pathway to higher education for historically underserved communities. However, despite the potential for DE to create more equitable access to college, many students from low-income and marginalized backgrounds face barriers that limit their participation. To better understand the needs of these students, the Community College Research Center (CCRC) conducted a study in 2022-23, interviewing 97 predominantly Black, Hispanic, and low-income students across Florida and Texas. The findings revealed six key "wants" that educators can use to think about when participating or developing courses for DE.

  1. Students Want to Know About DE Earlier

Many students first hear about DE through family members or by chance in high school. Early awareness can help underserved students better prepare for college-level coursework and take full advantage of DE opportunities. Community colleges should start outreach in middle school, using community resources like local media, community centers, and even elementary school events to spread awareness. Outreach efforts like short videos, such as ATE's Student Success Stories, can grab attention more quickly and inform young students about pathways. 

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Dallas College GIS Project Blossoms in Extraordinary Ways


J. Scott Sires, Dallas College geospatial technology professor, unpacks a drone purchased with an ATE grant he led.

A geographic information systems (GIS) project has gained extraordinary momentum in the two years since its Advanced Technological Education grant funding ended.  

The project led by J. Scott Sires, a geospatial technology professor at Dallas College’s Brookhaven Campus, has had these recent achievements:    

  • A service learning experience that involved students in mapping part of Brookhaven Campus led to Dallas College hiring students as interns to create three-dimensional floor plans of facilities on   seven campuses and at 15 centers.
  • During the first 16 months of this floor-plan mapping project, 10 interns completed scans of 80% of the college’s 5.5 million square feet of property. College administrators are pleased with the high quality, multi-use data that the interns have gathered more quickly than anticipated.  
  • In July the college hired one of the interns as a facility space analyst. Sorting the field data to make it useful to facility managers and first responders is one of the tasks of this newly created role. The college’s chief facilities officer reports he would like to hire more GIS program alumni in the future.  
  • The sequence of stackable GIS credentials—including an 18-hour dual-credit, high school program—that Sires developed from his ATE grant work was approved recently by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board for statewide use.
  • Other Texas higher education institutions are evaluating the intern training materials and the GIS curriculum for potential adoption and adaptation.
  • Sires received the Lifetime Achievement Award from the GeoTech Center this summer.

Sires said the Mentor-Connect mentoring he received in 2017 to prepare the ATE grant proposal, which won a $224,000 grant by the National Science Foundation in 2018, has “led to some opportunities that now are blooming ... And so that’s exciting.”

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2024 ATE PI Conference: ATE for the Future


A graphic image promoting the ATE PI Conference 2024

The 2024 ATE Principal Investigators’ Conference is coming up on October 23-25, at the Omni Shoreham Hotel in Washington, D.C.!

More than 850 NSF ATE grantees and project partners from various educational sectors will convene to address critical issues in advanced technological education, spanning disciplines like advanced manufacturing technologies, agricultural and environmental technologies, biological and chemical technologies, engineering technologies, information and security technologies, micro and nanotechnologies, and more. The event brings together representatives from community colleges, business and industry, secondary school systems, and four-year colleges.

For projects and centers old and new, the annual PI Conference offers a chance to share experiences, collaborate, learn, and meet other members of the ATE community. Whether you are a first-time attendee or a seasoned participant, now is an excellent time to double-check and ensure your project or center is ready for the big event.

To support your preparation efforts, here is some information you may find helpful:

ATE Central Centers and Projects Map

The Centers and Projects map is a great way to learn about possible collaborators in your field or region and identify who may be at the PI conference. With the map, you can search through projects and centers by area of the country or by general subject area. Now is also a good time to ensure that your project or center's record is up to date. Let us know if you have new resources, a new project description, or other social media outlets. We can best support and amplify your efforts with up-to-date information about your project or center and related deliverables.

PI Meeting App

Plan which sessions to attend and track your PI meeting experiences with the annual PI meeting app. This year's app will be available in October, so watch for it on the Conference page.

Getting Started for New Grantees

This pre-conference workshop is recommended for all principal investigators, co-principal investigators, and other team members involved in newly awarded projects and centers. Held in-person on Wednesday, October 23, from 12:00 pm to 3:00 pm, the workshops will cover the reporting and financial requirements of the ATE grant while connecting new members with other projects and centers that can help them successfully manage, evaluate, and report on their projects. ATE Central and others from the ATE community and NSF will be presenting at the session, so it’s a great place to connect and ask any questions. Sign up when registering for the conference.

ATE Community Resources

Many free tools and resources are available throughout the ATE community to help prepare your project or center for the PI conference. Be sure to check out EvaluATE, MentorConnect, and AACC, among others.

Navigating the DC Area

The conference provides breakfast and lunch on the 24th, and breakfast on the 25th. Attendees will have the opportunity to explore the surrounding area for other meals.

Right across the street from the Omni Shoreham is Open City, a cafe offering brunch, coffee, and pizza all day. If you have time between sessions, the Smithsonian National Zoo is steps away from the conference hotel! For more about what’s happening in and around the DC area, check out Destination DC.

Information about how to register can be found on the conference registration page. The registration deadline is September 26th.

Check out the PI Conference's website and FAQ for more information about the conference. Don’t hesitate to contact us at and let us know how we can support your ongoing efforts. We look forward to seeing you in DC!

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CCSN Offers Workshop to Help Faculty & Staff Prepare S-STEM Proposals


David R. Brown, principal investigator of NSF Award 2224671, co-facilitates the  S-STEM Proposal Preparation Workshop.

To help two-year colleges prepare competitive proposals to the National Science Foundation’s Scholarships in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Program (S-STEM) program the Community College S-STEM Network (CCSN) is offering a virtual, multi-week workshop beginning in October.

Thanks to a current Dear Colleague Letter to the Advanced Technological Education (ATE) community, ATE grantees may also apply for S-STEM funding for up to $1 less than 20 percent of their original ATE grant awards and one of the usual S-STEM funding tracks.

The ATE supplemental awards, however, are for scholarships only. They do not include funding for student services, faculty, staff, or institutional indirect costs of typical S-STEM awards, which begin at $1 million for six years and provide at least $600,000 for scholarships.

S-STEMs are last dollar scholarships that cover up to $15,000 annually of low-income, academically talented STEM majors’ unmet financial needs. Institutions submitting S-STEM proposals determine their costs of attendance, but these expenses can include not only tuition, fees, and books, but living expenses such as housing, transportation, and child care.

“This can be really transformative to people in community college communities,” said David R. Brown, one of the principal investigators of the project entitled Developing and Sharing Research on Low-Income Community College Student Decision-Making and Pathways in STEM.

The other principal investigator is Michelle Van Noy, director of the Education and Employment Research Center (EERC) at the School of Management and Labor Relations at Rutgers. The project is supported by a pair of collaborative grants, National Science Foundation (NSF) Award 2224671 to the Foundation for California Community Colleges and NSF Award 2224623 to Rutgers University.

Brown and Van Noy are leading the Community College S-STEM Network (CCSN) with a team of researchers who are focusing on how S-STEM students make decisions and what helps them persist to embark on STEM careers.

One of CCSN’s initiatives also assists community college faculty and staff members in navigating the S-STEM proposal process.

CCSN is currently taking applications for its free S-STEM Proposal Preparation Workshop. Selected individuals will meet online weekly for an hour beginning at 3:30 p.m. (Eastern) on Fridays from October 11 to February 28, to help them submit S-STEM grant proposals in advance of the program’s deadline on March 4, 2025.

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