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High School -- Grade 11


Screenshot for Atomic BB's: A Particle Model of Metals
The Materials Science and Technology Teacher's Workshop (MAST) provides this experiment on the basic particle model for metals. The activity uses Bbs in a Petri dish to simulate the formation and movement of metal atoms as well as show dislocation and vacancy movement. Students will fill a Petri...
Screenshot for ATTRA - The National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service
This website, provided by ATTRA Sustainable Agriculture Program, promotes sustainable agriculture. Publications on production practices, alternative crop and livestock enterprises, innovative marketing, and organic certification, and highlights of local, regional, USDA and other federal sustainable...
Screenshot for Autism & College: Autistic Culture, UDL, and Student Voices
This resource, made available by Pellet Productions, Inc., is a page within the Stairway to STEM website that provides "resources for autistic students / students on the autism spectrum transitioning from high school to college, particularly in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM)...
This is a webpage with many learning objects for Automation covering the following areas: Open/Closed Loops, Feedback Devices, Control Modes, and Servo Systems.
Screenshot for Automation Technician Basics
Course Description: This course, developed by Bridgerland Technical College, teaches students about the materials, equipment, and procedures involved in manufacturing maintenance. Students learn about tools and tool safety including hand and power tools, test tools, meters, and precision...
This site offers information on how and where CO is generated, alternatives and solutions to the problem, and a list of cities and regions who have been non-compliant in recent years. Users are able to navigate through four different "virtual shops" including a mixing room, spray booth, service and...
Screenshot for Automobiles and Ozone
This site from the Coordinating Committee for Automotive Repair (CCAR) introduces ozone, its affect on public health, how it's formed, previous attempts at controlling it, and promising solutions. Contact information for further resources is at the bottom of the page.
This page from the Consortium for Alabama Regional Center for Automotive Manufacturing (CARCAM) provides some information about scholarships in automotive manufacturing. The highlighted scholarship is only open to Alabama residents, but the page provides links to other scholarship opportunities.
Screenshot for Avalon Underwater Robotics : Technical Report
This 17-page report, published by the University of Sheffield, describes the design and construction of an underwater remotely operated vehicle (ROV). This report was created by Avalon Underwater Robotics, a student group that participated in the 2021 MATE ROV competitions Explorer class. MATE ROV...
Screenshot for AWS SENSE QC-10 Instructor Manual for High School Instructors
This 54-page resource, made available by Monroe Community College (MCC), is an instructor's guide for an AWS (American Welding Society) SENSE Entry Level 115 QC-10 welder's certification course. Topics covered include: Grading Methodology, Partial Completion, Time Sheet/Attendance, AWS Performance...
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