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Middle School -- Grade 8


This activity for middle school students from the Florida Advanced Technological Education (FLATE) Center asks students to play the role of a safety inspector and identify safety hazards. The class will also learn the different types of Personal Protective Equipment, or PPE, as well as the...
This 2-page document is part of a series of resources created by the Nebraska Nanoscale Facility to teach students about electron-beam vapor depositions. Sample data are provided and used for a series of 8 separate sample calculations with their results. This document is part of the Nanoscale...
Screenshot for Scanning Probe Microscopy
Published by the National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network, this hour-long activity has students "simulate the function of a scanning probe microscope" by creating their own scanning probe microscope (SPM) boxes. The Teacher's Guide contains everything the instructor needs to carry out the...
This site features science fair projects that can be done by K-12 students. The projects are divided into simple, medium and advanced knowledge levels. Projects include ultra-simple electric generator, quick and simple telescope, supermagnet bead tricks, sticky electrostatics, drawing holograms by...
Screenshot for Science Education Resources Center (SERC)
The Science Education Resource Center (SERC), an office of Carleton College, works to improve earth science education through projects that support educators. The office has special expertise in effective pedagogies, geoscience education, community organization, workshop leadership, digital...
Screenshot for Science Hobbyist Website
This website, maintained by creator Bill Beaty, contains general science topics for study. Instructions for different science experiments are listed. Everything from super neodymium magnets, ten dollar infrared googles, and drawing holograms by hand can be found here. 
Screenshot for Sea Life Technology : Technical Report
This 20-page report describes the design and construction of Crush, an underwater remotely operated vehicle (ROV), and Squirt, a micro ROV. This report was created by Sea Life Technology, a student group that participated in the 2021 MATE ROV competition's Ranger class. MATE ROV is a global...
This lab, presented by the National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network, teaches students about Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). Nanoparticles are too small to be viewed with a light microscope so a SEM must be employed which "uses electrons to image the surface of a material." A Teacher's...
Screenshot for Shodor Educational Foundation: A National Resource for Computational Science Education
There are many curriculum materials, professional development, and student enrichment activities available on this website. These resources are designed for teachers and students ranging from K-12 through higher education. Most resources are interactive and engage the students on many different...
Screenshot for SI System and Nanoscale Science
This lesson, presented by the National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network, covers the metric system. Students will explore the use of the metric system in the activities, and also "read the How Stuff Works article –“How Nanotechnology Works” and answer questions about the article. Further...
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