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Middle School -- Grade 8


Screenshot for Paper Clip Experiment: Properties and Failure
This lesson plan introduces students to the properties of metals using the example of a paper clip. A paper clip will fail after being bent many times, illustrating the concept of "fatigue." The fatigue properties of different materials will be compared and observed. The main goal of the lesson is...
This webpage, created by Pamela Redmond for Teaching and Learning Interchange, provides video case studies and resources for instructors who teach math and science.  The video cases "demonstrate lessons from real general science, biology, chemistry, physics, algebra and geometry classrooms at the...
This page from the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources provides a number of classroom resources on topics like rocks, minerals, fossils, general geology, glaciers, earthquakes, historic geology and more. Clicking on a topic area will lead users to a webpage with resources...
Screenshot for Performance Assessment Links in Science
This resource, from SRI International, is an on-line, standards-based, resource bank of science performance assessment tasks indexed via the National Science Education Standards (NSES) and various other standards frameworks. The resources are "collected from numerous sources, include student...
Screenshot for Periodic Table of Elements in Pictures
This image shows each element of the periodic table represented by a picture of something that contains that element. For example, sulfur depicts a picture of egg yolks. Symbol and color keys are included. 
Screenshot for Picture This: Improving Student Math Skills through Spatial Thinking
Published in the American Educator, this is a resource paper on the impact of spatial thinking and literacy on American K-12 education. It includes four spatial thinking tests which were used in the project talent study discussed in the article.
Screenshot for Pinch Test
This lesson, presented by the National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network, covers the general concepts of size or SI prefixes. Students will study what equipment or tools a person would need to view objects of particular sizes. The less can be used in multiple ways including "to see how much...
Screenshot for Planning Role Model Visits and Field Trips to Inspire Girls in Technology, Science and Engineering
This archived webinar from Linda Kekelis and Jeri Countryman of Techbridge presented "practical strategies and resources that will help teachers, Girl Scout Leaders and after-school program providers to conduct outreach." The main goal of the Techbridge program is to "encourage girls in technology,...
In this activity, students will gain an "understanding of a commonly published diagram of global carbon pools and fluxes. Students create a scaled 3-D visual of carbon pools and net fluxes between pools with anthropogenic influences." Targeted at middle school through undergraduate students (grades...
Screenshot for Power Finance Challenge: Power Playoff
This resource, published by Georgia Tech Research Institute, features a mathematics and finance activity designed for eighth graders. In this activity, "students use linear systems of equations to explore the finances of funding and building a power plant using different insulation materials."...
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