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Instructional Material -- Lecture/Presentation


Screenshot for Cells Learning Module
Module Description: This learning module from the Support Center for Microsystems Education introduces students to the different types of cells, aspects of cell growth, and the types of organelles found within cells. The material focuses on cells in relation to bioMEMS (bio- microelectromechanical...
This slide deck was presented on May 18, 2017 as part of a National Academy of Sciences conference on building America's skilled technical workforce. This presentation discussed the challenges to improving education and skills training. Multiple challenges are discussed, including the many actors...
The focus of this presentation is the nation's aerospace technician workforce and the transformation needed to meet the aerospace industry's requirements for the global aerospace marketplace of the 21st century.
Screenshot for Charging Forward Webinar: Renewable Energy Education Amidst the COVID-19
In this webinar, provided by the Center for Renewable Energy Advanced Technological Education, presenters discuss the renewable energy workforce, impacts of COVID-19, and future career opportunities in clean energy. Presenters include Ken Walz, Director of the Renewable Energy Program at Madison...
This webinar, provided by EvaluATE: Evaluation Resource Center for Advanced Technological Education, discusses checklists for improving evaluation practice. The webinar provides "an overview of the form and function of checklists, highlights evaluation checklists developed by some of the field's...
Screenshot for Chemical Lab Safety Rules Learning Module
Module Description: This module, from Support Center for Microsystems Education (SCME), provides information on "the general safety rules for facilities and laboratories that use chemicals, and [allows] students the opportunity to demonstrate their understanding of these rules." This module is...
Screenshot for Chemical Labels - NPFA Learning Module
Module Description: This module, from Support Center for Microsystems Education (SCME), provides students "with the information needed to interpret chemical labels and information about specific chemicals provided on NFPA [National Fire Protection Association] diamonds and to demonstrate an...
Screenshot for Chocolate Tiger Mold, Part 1 (Lesson 1 of 11)
This video is part of a series of mold making training modules by Lewis-Clark State College. This series of modules covers how to make simple molds using SolidWorks CAD software and how to modify the molds to improve performance. This lesson shows how to model a tiger mold using SolidWorks. This...
Screenshot for Chocolate Tiger Mold, Part 2 (Lesson 2 of 11)
This video is part of a series of mold making training modules by Lewis-Clark State College. This series of modules covers how to make simple molds using SolidWorks CAD software and how to modify the molds to improve performance. This video is the second part of a lesson that shows students how to...
Screenshot for Chocolate Tiger Mold, Part 3 (Lesson 3 of 11)
This video is part of a series of mold making training modules by Lewis-Clark State College. This series of modules covers how to make simple molds using SolidWorks CAD software and how to modify the molds to improve performance. This video is the third part of a lesson that shows students how to...
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