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Instructional Material -- Lecture/Presentation


Screenshot for Antibody Validation
This video, provided by Digital World Biology, is from the 2022 Antibody Engineering Hackathon, an event where teams collaborated to develop Course-based Undergraduate Research projects (CURES) for students studying biotechnology. During this presentation, Frances Weis-Garcia from the Memorial Sloan...
This webpage is provided by nanoHUB and includes a PowerPoint lecture that is the second in a series of five lectures on nanotechnology created by SHINE: Seattle's Hub for Industry-driven Nanotechnology Education and North Seattle College. This lecture discusses nano-enhanced materials and the...
Screenshot for Applications of Phase Change Material - Integrated Hybrid HVAC Systems in Commercial Buildings
This presentation, provided by the Building Efficiency for a Sustainable Tomorrow (BEST) Center, is from the BEST Center's 2022 Annual Institute. During the presentation, Spencer Dutton, principle scientific engineering associate at the Lawrence Berkley National Laboratory, discusses the development...
Screenshot for Applied Cryptography Module
This webpage, from National Cybersecurity Training and Education (NCYTE) Center, is one of seven learning modules from the Cybersecurity-Infused Computer Science Modules series. This module "focuses on practical aspects of private key and public key cryptography," and the Primary Learning Objectives...
This slide deck was presented on December 12, 2017 as part of a National Academy of Sciences conference on Fostering Worker Mobility and Apprenticeships for a Skilled Technical Workforce. This presentation was from Panel II: Lessons from European Workforce Programs and focuses on apprenticeships at...
These slides are from a presentation given by Andrea Messing-Mathie at the Symposium on the Supply Chain for Middle-Skill Jobs: Education, Training, and Certification Pathways. This presentation discusses apprenticeship systems. The main slide topics of the presentation include Interest in...
This presentation by Deirdre Knapp was given to the Workshop on Assessment of 21st Century Skills, held in January 2011. In it, Knapp discusses a number of approaches to developing assessments for 21st century skills including: identifying what to assess, selecting assessment strategies, developing...
This PowerPoint presentation, made available by Clark State Community College, provides basic information on twelve different mobile applications that can be used to aid in various aspects of precision agriculture. Examples of application utility include drone monitoring, crop management, use of...
These presentation slides are provided by the GeoTech Consortium of Western New York: Get the GIST (Geospatial Information Science Technology) Certificate and include information about GIST professional development opportunities and careers. Slide topics include Business GIS, Sample Student GIS...
Screenshot for ArcGIS Online Orgs for Schools Part 1: Starting Well or Fixing an Oops
This resource, from the 2021 Esri Education Summit, is the first of two videos that discuss ArcGIS Online Organizations for schools. In this video, users will "learn the must do's for the first critical tasks (and repairs, if you've already launched), and best practices for ongoing success." Some of...
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