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Instructional Material -- Lecture/Presentation


These slides, provided by Automotive Manufacturing Technical Education Collaborative (AMTEC), were presented at the Ready, Set, Launch Fall Academy conference held November 11-13, 2013. "This academy was held to discuss examples of AMTEC's curriculum implementation at Alamo Community College...
These slides, provided by Automotive Manufacturing Technical Education Collaborative (AMTEC), were presented at the Ready, Set, Launch Fall Academy conference held November 11-13, 2013. "This academy was held to discuss examples of AMTEC's curriculum implementation at Alamo Community College...
These slides, provided by Automotive Manufacturing Technical Education Collaborative (AMTEC), were presented at the 2013 Spring Academy - Building Pathways: Developing the Future of the Manufacturing Workforce. "Topics included preparing high school and college students for employment in...
These slides, provided by Automotive Manufacturing Technical Education Collaborative (AMTEC), were presented at the 2013 Spring Academy - Building Pathways: Developing the Future of the Manufacturing Workforce. "Topics included preparing high school and college students for employment in...
These slides, provided by Automotive Manufacturing Technical Education Collaborative (AMTEC), were presented at the Ready, Set, Launch Fall Academy conference held November 11-13, 2013. "This academy was held to discuss examples of AMTEC's curriculum implementation at Alamo Community College...
This slide deck was presented on October 26, 2017 as part of a National Academy of Sciences workshop on the role of digital tutors. This workshop, titled The Role of Digital Tutors, "describe[s] the evidence on the efficacy of Digital Tutors, exploring our current knowledge about the capabilities...
Screenshot for An Evaluation of Media Coverage of Wildfire Issues
Module Description: The Fire Ecology and Management Series is provided by the Northwest Center for Sustainable Resources and includes six modules. This series “is designed to address both the general role of fire in ecosystems as well as specific wildfire management issues in forest ecosystems.” The...
Screenshot for An Introduction to Archiving with ATE Central
This webinar is provided by Internet Scout Research Group and was presented by Kendra Bouda and Rachael Bower of ATE Central on September 15, 2020. In this webinar, presenters discuss the National Science Foundation (NSF) Advanced Technological Education (ATE) archiving requirement and ATE Central's...
Screenshot for An Introduction to BioMEMS and Bionanotechnology
This website from nanoHUB provides information about BioMEMS and Bionanotechnology. The website provides a brief description about BioMEMS and Biotechnology and links to four course lecture videos. The lectures are titled Introduction, Device Fabrication Methods, DNA and Proteins; Essentials of...
This slide deck was presented on October 26, 2017 as part of a National Academy of Sciences workshop on the role of digital tutors. This workshop, entitled "The Role of Digital Tutors," "describe[s] the evidence on the efficacy of Digital Tutors, exploring our current knowledge about the...
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