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Instructional Material -- Experiment/Lab Activity


Screenshot for E SC 215: Materials Modification in Nanotechnology: Laboratory Activities
This web page, from the Nanotechnology Applications and Career Knowledge Support Center (NACK Center), includes a lab overview and associated laboratory activities that are part of the E SC 215: Nanotechnology Applications course. The following labs and related documents are included: ESC 215 Lab...
Screenshot for E SC 216 Associated Laboratory Availabilty
This web page, from the Nanotechnology Applications and Career Knowledge Support Center (Nack Center) includes a unit outline and supplemental laboratories that are part of the E SC 216: Basic Characterization Techniques course. "This course provides an overview of the characterization and of the...
Screenshot for Earthquakes for Kids
This page, from the United States Geological Survey, introduces the topic of earthquakes to younger students. Aimed at Elementary- and Middle School-aged learners, this site features resources such as Latest Quakes, Learning Links & Earthquake Activities, Animations, Earthquake Pictures, Ask a...
Screenshot for Electrical Resistance Experiment
The Materials Science and Technology Teacher's Workshop (MAST) provides this experiment on electrical resistance and glass. The module involves breaking the glass from a light bulb and then measuring the resistance across the bulb's electrodes. The lesson includes a step by step explanation of the...
This lesson, presented by the National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network, allows students a chance to experiment using the electro-plating process to produce nanowires. In addition to learning about the production of these components, students will gain a greater understanding of "...
Screenshot for Electrodeposition
This lab, presented by the National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network, covers the concept of chemical reactions. Students will learn how "a flow of electrons allows cations in solution to revert to a solid state while plating an object" as well as "the process which allows the ions of the...
This 11-page lab, by eSyst: Tools for Electronics Education, provides practical experience with short-range wireless equipment. "The experiment provides activities to analyze the organization and operation of a common UHF transceiver, range calculation and measurement, and antenna radiation...
This collection, provided by eSyst: Tools for Electronics Education, includes an instructor and student guide for a software defined radio (SDR) familiarization lab. The purpose of this lab is "to familiarize students with the architecture and operation of a software-defined radio (SDR)." The lab...
This collection, provided by eSyst: Tools for Electronics Education, includes an 8-page student guide and a 6-page instructor guide for a Transmission Line Measurements lab. This lab "aims to familiarize students with common measurements on coaxial transmission lines." The lab includes a purpose,...
Screenshot for Electronic Familiarity: Identification of Electronic Components Experiment
The Materials Science and Technology Teacher's Workshop (MAST) provides this lesson plan which will help students understand the characteristics of basic electronic devices such as diodes, rectifiers, photocells, thermistors, integrated circuits and transistors. Students will get the chance to...
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