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Instructional Material -- Curriculum


Screenshot for Module 9: Lesson 1- Dynamic Message Signs Using Makey Makey
This learning module, from the National Center for Autonomous Technologies (NCAT), provides a lesson on Dynamic Message Signs (DMS) in Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) for high school students. Learning outcomes include the following:  Students will create a simple sensor using the...
This educational resource page from the U.S. Department of Energy's National Renewable Energy Laboratory links to a variety of resources for students, teacher, and parents on the topics of renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies. Curriculum suggestions and hands-on projects are included...
Toolkit Description:  This NET-230 Chemistry course is from the RCNET Comprehensive Teaching Toolkit: Fundamentals, and is drawn from curriculum taught in the Nuclear Systems Technology program at Midlands Technical College. The program is designed to train nuclear systems technicians to work in...
This webpage, published by Unmanned Aircraft System Operations Technician Education Program (UASTEP), lists the courses offered in their curriculum at Palomar College. Included in each entry is the title, a description, links to a course outline, and links to a Google Drive folder that contains...
Screenshot for Precision Agriculture - Lesson 2 Materials
Lesson Description: This lesson is the second of three in the Introduction to Agriculture unit of a precision agriculture education series provided by Northeast Community College. These lessons are intended to teach "... broad scale concepts of precision agriculture, the components that make it...
Screenshot for Precision Agriculture- Introduction and Lesson 1 Materials
Lesson Description: This lesson is the first of three in the Introduction to Agriculture unit of a precision agriculture education series provided by Northeast Community College. These lessons are intended to teach "... broad scale concepts of precision agriculture, the components that make it...
Screenshot for Precision Agriculture- Lesson 3 Materials
Lesson Description: This lesson is the last of three in the Introduction to Agriculture unit of a precision agriculture education series provided by Northeast Community College. These lessons are intended to teach "... broad scale concepts of precision agriculture, the components that make it...
Project SHINE (Shaping High-quality Integrated Nebraska Education) provides this Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) curriculum for middle school, high school and community college students. Project SHINE focuses on the creation of Problem-Based Learning (PBL) professional development...
Learning Unit Description: The Integrated Geospatial Education and Technology Training Project (iGETT) presents a series of Learning Units (LU) designed to incorporate federal land remote sensing data into Geographic Information System (GIS) instruction. The Quantifying Areas in Cultivation in...
Program Description: This material was published by the Regional Center for Nuclear Education and Training (RCNET) as part of a comprehensive crosswalk that links objectives of ACAD 08-006 with GP Strategies ABC Material, NUCP Surveyed Material, NANTeL resources, EPRI resources, web resources, and...
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