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Instructional Material -- Curriculum


This five page document discuses model courses for a model certificate developed by GeoTech. Five core courses are recommended including Introduction to Geospatial Technology, Spatial Analysis and Modeling, and Data Acquisition and Management. A number of elective courses are also listed including...
This thirty-seven page document discuses model courses for a model certificate developed by GeoTech. Slides from a past presentation are included along with annotations. Five core courses are recommended including Introduction to Geospatial Technology, Spatial Analysis and Modeling, and Data...
Learning Unit Description: The Integrated Geospatial Education and Technology Training Project (iGETT) presents a series of Learning Units (LU) designed to incorporate federal land remote sensing data into Geographic Information System (GIS) instruction. The Land Use Change Detection in the Santa...
Screenshot for Intel Education Initiative: Free Teaching Tools and Resources
This site offers free technology, math, science, and language arts resources for K-12 educators with a special emphasis on project-based collaborative student-centered learning. Intel's 21st century teaching and learning resources are designed to facilitate critical thinking skills, and promote fun...
The Northeast Biomanufacturing Center and Collaborative (NBC2) has created this webpage that provides an introduction and overview to the field of biomanufacturing. Links to a three-part series of articles on the topic are included.  In addition, visitors to the webpage can take a virtual tour of a...
Screenshot for Introduction to Qualitative & Quantitative Land Cover Change
Learning Unit Description: Integrated Geospatial Education and Technology Training (iGETT) presents a series of Learning Units (LU) designed to incorporate federal land remote sensing data into Geographic Information Systems (GIS) instruction. This LU covers the use of GIS to detect land change...
This 128-page document from the Southeast Maritime and Transportation (SMART) Center provides an introduction to "Ship Systems and Maritime Technology." This curriculum is organized into nine lessons: General Safety; Confined Spaces and Hotwork; Naval Ship Classes; Ship Complementation; Ships...
This site from the United States Department of Energy educates young learners on how to save energy in their everyday lives. It includes an energy action list which may be downloaded in PDF format, as well as other educational games and activities.
This reference curriculum from the CERT Division of the Software Engineering Institute (SEI) at Carnegie Mellon University, includes masters level course outlines covering software assurance. The nine courses range from Assurance Management to Assured Software Development to the Software Assurance...
This 21-page module, provided T.E.A.M.: Technician Education in Additive Manufacturing, illustrates concepts related to polymer properties in 3D printing. The module includes lecture materials, demonstrations, and activities related to the topic. A table of contents and the following sections are...
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