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Agricultural and Environmental Technologies -- Energy technologies


Screenshot for How Solar Became Cheap
In this webinar, provided by the Center for Renewable Energy Advanced Technological Education (CREATE), Gregory Nemet discusses how solar energy became a cheap model for low carbon innovation. Nemet also explains why energy transitions are hard. These transitions are difficult because people want...
Screenshot for HVAC Career Map
The HVAC Career Map is an interactive resource that describes jobs and career pathways in the HVAC/R industry. Users can explore jobs in the following sectors: Residential; Commercial; Sales and Marketing; Automated Controls; and Design and Engineering. Entry-level, mid-level, and advanced-level...
Screenshot for Impacts on Teaching Practices from a Solar Photovoltaic Institute Faculty Professional Development Program
This 14-page paper, published by the American Society for Engineering Education, was presented at the 2018 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition. The paper discusses the Solar Photovoltaic Institute for STEM Educators and the impacts the Institute had on the teaching practices of participants. The...
Screenshot for Impacts on Teaching Practices from a Solar Photovoltaic Institute Faculty Professional Development Program Presentation
This presentation, published by Madison Area Technical College, was given at the 2018 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition. The presentation provides information about the CREATE Center, solar education, the Solar Photovoltaic Institute for STEM Educators, and the impacts the Institute had on the...
This instruction resources page from the Environmental Literacy and Inquiry Working Group at Lehigh University accompanies their Energy curriculum, which focuses on the world's energy resources. It includes links to spreadsheets, My World GIS Files, Google Earth KML files, videos, supplemental...
This 20-page article is provided by the American Journal of Engineering Education and discusses the findings from two international learning exchanges. These exchanges were conducted by the California Regional Consortium for Engineering Advances in Technological Education (CREATE), now the Center...
Screenshot for International Faculty Professional Development: Utilizing Hybrid Environments to Deepen Learning and Grow Community
This 38-page paper was presented at the 2020 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and discusses the Center for Renewable Energy Advanced Technological Education (CREATE) project. CREATE aimed to administer an Energy Storage Project with the overarching goal of advancing the...
Screenshot for International Faculty Professional Development: Utilizing Hybrid Environments to Deepen Learning and Grow Community
This article, published by the Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice, provides information about a faculty study abroad program. In 2019, the NSF-ATE CREATE Energy Education Center took a group of renewable energy educators to Germany to study innovations in renewable energy and energy...
Screenshot for Intro to Energy Management: Course Outcome Summary and Syllabus
This 7-page syllabus and 5-page course outcome summary, published by Northeast Wisconsin Technical College (NWTC), provide information about the Intro to Energy Management course taught at NWTC. During this course, students will be introduced to "... the basic concepts of energy, utility systems and...
Screenshot for Intro to Energy Management: Course Outcome Summary and Syllabus
This 7-page syllabus and 5-page course outcome summary, published by Northeast Wisconsin Technical College (NWTC), provide information about the Intro to Energy Management course taught at NWTC. This course "introduces the basic concepts of energy, utility systems and utility rate structures;...
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