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Agricultural and Environmental Technologies -- Energy technologies


From the GeoExchange Initiative at Gateway Technical College, this Course Outcome Summary describes the GeoExchange Site Safety course, in which students learn "the hazards associated with the typical active work site at a GeoExchange installation project" and the topics covered include "recognizing...
Screenshot for Geological Formations for Drillers Course Outcome Summary
From the GeoExchange Initiative at Gateway Technical College, this Course Outcome Summary describes the Geological Formations for Drillers course, which introduces students to geology as it relates to borehole construction and includes the "types of consolidated and unconsolidated formations, their...
Screenshot for Green Buildings Career Map
The Green Buildings Career Map, developed by the Interstate Renewable Energy Council, provides information on jobs and opportunities in the green buildings and energy efficiency industry. Users can explore jobs according to the following sectors: Architecture, Engineering, and Other Professional...
Screenshot for Ground Water Monitoring & Sampling
This 3-page learning activity, from the Advanced Technology Environmental and Energy Center (ATEEC), provides a guide for instructors looking to give their classes hand-on experience with groundwater monitoring and sampling. The class will need access to property where at least three groundwater...
From the GeoExchange Initiative at Gateway Technical College, this Course Outcome Summary describes the Grouting and Sanitation course, which introduces students to "sanitation and grouting operations on a Geo Boring site" and includes topics such as grouting materials, mixing methods, pumping...
Screenshot for Hazardous Materials Technical Coordinator DACUM
This resource, from Advanced Technology Environmental and Energy Center, provides a job description and task analysis listing/chart for a Hazardous Materials Technical Coordinator position. This position manages hazardous materials and wastes in compliance with regulations to protect human health...
Screenshot for Heat of Biofuel Combustion
This webinar from the Center for Renewable Energy Advanced Technological Education Resource Center (CREATE) was presented by Eric Knispel. During the presentation, Knispel describes the technique for measuring heat content of various fuels, describes simple "wick" systems for cleanly burning various...
Screenshot for High Performance Building Systems Technologist Job Task Analysis Summative Research Report July 2018
This 30-page report, by Palmer Consulting, was developed for the Clean Energy Technology Program at Shoreline Community College. This report is the result of a research project intended to provide Shoreline with information to enhance the Clean Energy Technology Program by identifying skills a clean...
Screenshot for High-Performance Home Technologies: Solar Thermal & Photovoltaic Systems
The U.S. Department of Energy presents this document, one in a series on best building practices for energy efficiency, on solar thermal and photovoltaic systems. In addition to providing a general overview of these energy technologies, the document also includes a number of useful case studies...
Screenshot for How I Home-Built an Electricity Producing Wind Turbine
This website includes step-by-step instructions on how to build a wind turbine with parts users may purchase at harware stores. The website includes photographs and text which illustrate how to build the wind turbine.
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