This collection from the Center for Renewable Energy Advanced Technological Education Resource Center (CREATE) is composed of teaching materials that highlight a lesson on energy savings for homeowners. The collection is composed of seven documents.

The documents include an instructors guide, a student assessment, a student lesson document, poster production guidelines and requirements, a student summary notes guide, and two standards documents. The instructors guide provides learning objectives, a lesson summary, activity and teacher notes, as well as answers for the student assessment. The student assessment, entitled the student lesson summary guide, provides questions regarding energy savings for homeowners. The student lesson document provides an introduction to the topic, a list of required materials, the procedure for saving energy, as well as research questions for a wide range of topics, including attic insulation and ventilation, windows and doors, and more. The poster production guidelines and requirements document provides instructions for a poster activity for the lesson. The student summary notes guide provides a list of areas for students to record notes. The standards documents explore energy literacy principles and concepts, as well as next generation high school science standards.

For orientation purposes the '508_it-pays-to-save-in-your-home-student-lesson-v8.0.pdf' PDF is included as a separate attachment and offers a sample of the type of the material included in this module.

Below is a list of the files contained within the .zip attachment. Files are listed with their file name and size in parenthesis. 

It_Pays_to_Save_in_Your_Home (7 files, 1.3 MB)

  • Energy Literacy Standards (508_elstandards-it-pays-to-save-in-your-home.pdf 69 KB)
  • Instructors Guide (508_it-pays-to-save-in-your-home-insturctor_s-guide-v8.0.pdf 196 KB)
  • Student Assessment (508_it-pays-to-save-in-your-home-student-lesson-summary-guide-v8.0.pdf 190 KB)
  • Student Lesson (508_it-pays-to-save-in-your-home-student-lesson-v8.0.pdf 349 KB)
  • Poster Production Guidelines and Requirements (508_it-pays-to-save-in-your-home-student-poster-production-guidelines-and-requirements-v8.0.pdf 169 KB)
  • Student Summary Notes Guide (508_it-pays-to-save-in-your-home-student-summary-notes-guide-v8.0.pdf 178 KB)
  • Next Generation Science Standards (508_ngsstandards-it-pays-to-save-in-your-home.pdf 91 KB)
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