This toolkit, published by the Center for Renewable Energy Advanced Technological Education Resource Center (CREATE), seeks to "flatten the learning curve for those seeking to install solar at their own institution" by providing tools and resources on installing a solar voltaic system. These contents help institutions get started with little to no knowledge of SV systems. Many of the tools are based on and reference the 2019 project at Madison Area Technical College where the largest rooftop solar system in Wisconsin was commissioned. 

The toolkit is composed of 19 sections. The following titles are samples of some of the sections: 10 Step Guide to Create a Solar Roadmap; Request for Proposals (RFP) for Solar Projects; Virtual Tour of a Rooftop Solar System; and Solar System Fact Sheet. The toolkit contents include .pdf files, Microsoft Word documents, and links to YouTube videos. All files, except for video links, can be downloaded in a compressed .zip file. An introduction and rationale further summarize the project and toolkit contents. A list of references, acknowledgements, and disclaimers are included at the bottom of the document. 

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