These learning materials, made available by the STEM Guitar project, are an activity and a presentation on the growth of trees. The presentation describes factors that affect tree growth including the following topics: what information about a tree can be gained by looking at the cross section of the trunk, how temperature and precipitation affect tree growth, and more. 

In the 18-page activity Exploring Factors that Affect Tree Growth, students "will work through a simulation to discover how environmental factors such as temperature and rainfall amount effect tree growth." During the activity students watch a video on sustainable forestry methods, research temperature and and rainfall amounts for a selected location, and reflect on how what they have learned is important to the guitar industry. The learning objectives for this activity are: 

  1. Students will be able to explain how environmental factors such as rainfall and temperature affect tree growth.  
  2. Students will be able to create and analyze graphs of temperature and rainfall amounts. 
  3. Students will be able to explain why knowing about environmental factors that affect tree growth is important to the guitar manufacturing industry.

The activity includes the following sections: Description of Activity, Learning Objectives, Standards, Materials Required, Safety, References, Activity, and more. A student handout, extension activity, and quiz are also included.

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