Advanced Technological Education ·

Welcome to the ATE Central Connection! Published the first Monday of each month, the ATE Central Connection is meant to disseminate information to and about ATE centers and projects, providing you with up-to-date ATE news, events, reminders, as well as highlighting new centers, projects, and resources. In addition, we will also highlight an educational topic with complementary resources found within ATE Central to help illustrate how ATE resources can be used in the classroom.

We want the ATE Central Connection to be a valuable tool; please e-mail with any suggestions about how to make the ATE Central Connection more useful for you or to suggest any information you would like to see in an upcoming issue.

In This Issue

Featured Resources in Welding Education

From Weld-Ed:

Careers in Welding

Careers in Welding is a portal jointly produced by the American Welding Society and Weld-Ed, the Nation Center for Welding Education and Training. Here, visitors will find information for educators, students, and welding professionals, in addition to general information about exploring a career in welding. Educators can find teaching tips, curriculum, professional development information, resources and products, events, and networking opportunities. Students can find information about schools with welding programs, scholarships, jobs, and much more. For the welding professional, the site has tips for building a resume, finding a job, and AWS certification information. The site also features videos of technicians and general articles, such as "Why Welding?" and "Welding Fast Facts," that offer information on why to choose a career in welding.

From Advanced Technological Education Television (ATETV) :

Welding: A Skill Required in Every Industry

The ATETV project delivers web-based videos to inform students about advanced technology career options. This episode of ATETV focuses on the importance of welding and its prevalence in manufacturing all types of goods. The clip also discusses career advancement opportunities for welders and the career outlook for this field. Running time for the episode is 3:18.

From Teachers’ Domain: Advanced Technological Education:


Teachers' Domain presents this video as part of a series on advanced technological education. Around 500,000 people are currently employed in welding in the United States, and as more highways, bridges and other structures need crucial updates, welders will continue to be in demand. The video clip demonstrates welding techniques, including what constitutes a bad weld and how to recognize one. Careers in welding are also discussed. The video may be viewed online or downloaded. To download the clip, users must create a free login for Teachers' Domain. Running time for this QuickTime video is 3:56. Along with the video, educators can also access related resources including a background essay, discussion questions, and standards alignment for the material.

Community Connection


NISOD Annual Conference May 23-26, 2015

Conferences and meetings play such an important role for all of us as we work to disseminate information about the valuable impacts and outcomes of our ATE projects and centers. The National Institute for Staff and Organizational Development (NISOD) offers an annual International Conference on Teaching and Leadership Excellence that provides a wonderful opportunity to spread the word about ATE. The conference attracts educators from around the world and serves as a gathering place for community and technical college faculty, administrators, and staff seeking to engage in deep conversations about best practices and promising practices designed to improve student achievement.

Conference Features

  • General sessions featuring inspiring and motivating national speakers.
  • Intensive, hands-on preconference workshops facilitated by teaching and learning experts.
  • Special sessions facilitated by experts on the important issues facing today's community and technical colleges.
  • Roundtable discussions and poster sessions that explore exemplary practices and programs.
  • The Sunday Evening Excellence Awards Dinner and Celebration during which NISOD honors and celebrates Excellence Award recipients, as well as those individuals closest to them who contributed to their success.
  • An exciting Exhibit Hall featuring NISOD exhibitors and sponsors demonstrating products and services.
  • NISOD’s College Showcase highlighting best practices in colleges across North America and beyond.
  • The Administrator Series featuring upper-level administrators sharing real-world solutions to today’s demanding campus challenges.

Regular conference registration will be open until May 22nd, with the possibility of onsite registration during the event.

We look forward to seeing you there – please stop by and visit us in booth 220!

Magnifying Glass

ATE Success Tips: Websites

Web Content: Reading vs. Skimming

When it comes to website content, there are many approaches for how to develop material that accurately presents the mission, goals, and work being done by your project or center, as well as the ATE community at large. For better or worse, a variety of readers will visit your website and see your content: those that don’t read the content but look at images; those that skim the content; and those who will read every word on the page. To create content that effectively reaches all facets of your audience, it’s important to keep these various types in mind.

While this may seem daunting, keep in mind that content written for skimmers can actually help all visitors get a sense of what you’re saying without requiring them to read every word. Essentially, it enhances the page for readers and doesn’t get in the way of non-readers. So as you consider adding content, creating content, and how you would like to display it on your website, here are some points to consider for making content skimmable:

  • Place your content where it will be noticed but is not obtrusive. You might have to break it up a bit. The longer the content, the more careful you have to be about where and how you place the content on the page.
  • Start each paragraph with your most important and compelling verbiage. Many skimmers look only at the first line of each paragraph. Make it count.
  • Use paragraph/section headings that draw interest but are also quick to read at a glance. If it’s too long, it gets lost.
  • Use bulleted lists when possible, as this breaks-up the monotony of the content and creates easy-to-digest chunks.
  • Bold or italicize key concepts throughout, but don’t go overboard.
  • Add images. Even though images don’t get read, they do draw the eye and make the content more likely to be seen, skimmed, and hopefully read.
Study Table

Did You Know?

According to a recent report from the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center, nearly half of all students graduating in 2013-14 with a four-year degree had some experience within a two-year institution. Of those students, 65% enrolled for at least three semesters at a community college.

ATE Events

Upcoming Events
Nano Occasional Speaker: Lauren Withycombe-Keeler, "Much Ado About the Future" Tempe, AZ
Gen Combating Wildlife Trafficking Symposium Washington, DC
Eng Lasers and Fiber Optics Professional Development Workshop for K-12 STEM Educators Fort Pierce, FL
Mfg Welding Course for Educators Marysville, CA
Gen 50th NAWI Annual Conference Saratoga Springs, NY
Gen Supporting student success for under-prepared 2YC students and students with disabilities Williamsburg, VA
Mfg 4th Annual Florida Colleges Energy Education Forum Tampa, FL
Gen Scripting for Cybersecurity Online
Bio/Chem Bioscience Industry Fellows Program Winston Salem, NC
Mfg Plastics-In-Motion Dearborn, Michigan
Gen CISSP Online
Nano CNF Short Course: Technology & Characterization at the Nanoscale (CNF TCN) Ithaca, NY
Mfg Digital Fabrication Workshop White Bear Lake, MN
Info Open Source Software Louisville, KY
Mfg 2015 Advanced Manufacturing Careers Institute Tampa, FL
Gen ISACA (CISM) Online
Mfg STAR (Students, Technology, and Robots) Camp St. Cloud, MN
Ag/Env ArcGIS Online Workshop Louisville, KY
Info Simple Python using ArcPY Workshop Louisville, KY
Info Learning to Leverage the Tools and Products of the GeoTech Center Louisville, KY
Info Pictometry and POL for Educators Workshop Louisville, KY
Info Using Collector for Field Data Workshop Louisville, KY
Info Georeferencing and Digitization Workshop Louisville, KY
Info Implementation of the Geospatial Awareness Course Louisville, KY
Info Open Geospatial Educational Forum Louisville, KY
Mfg Digital Fabrication Workshop White Bear Lake, MN
Info GeoEd '15 Conference Louisville, KY
Info Nuts and Bolts of Unmanned Aerial Vechicles (UAVs) Louisville, KY
Eng International Year of Light Public Event Fort Pierce, FL
Gen Instructor Conference: Utilizing Student Smartphone & Other EHS Interactive Presentation Techniques Eden Prairie, MN
Info 2015 Community College Cyber Summit (3CS) North Las Vegas, NV
Mfg 2015 Florida Energy Teachers' Network (FETN) Workshop Longwood, Florida
Nano 2015 MNT Conference Seattle, WA
Gen Netlabs+ User Community Workshop Online
Mfg Multi-Axis Educators Workshop Auburn, Maine
Gen Summer Teachers' Dissemination Workshop Farmington, CT
Mfg Stem Girls Camp Mankato, MN
Mfg Robotics Summer Camp Bemidji, MN
Gen CSSIA 2015 Version of Security+ Online
Gen Instructor Conference: Utilizing Student Smartphone & Other EHS Interactive Presentation Techniques Rochester, NY
Info The Seventh Annual NGTC Geospatial Technology Summer Workshop, 2015 San Diego, CA

For more events, please visit the ATE Central Events page or, if you have any upcoming events that you would like posted on ATE Central or in the ATE Central Connection, please submit them online.

To add a continuously-updated list of ATE and STEM education events to your website, use the ATE Event Widget.

News & Reminders

Consider participating in the Bioscience Industrial Fellowship Project (BIFP) this June

The Bioscience Industrial Fellowship Project (BIFP) will de-mystify the bioscience industry by developing and implementing an innovative professional development model that utilizes multi-institutional partnerships to enable high-impact instructors to further understand industry principles and prepare them to guide their students toward careers in today’s bioscience workforce. The National Science Foundation is funding this project through the Advanced Technological Education Program DUE Grant # 1304010. The National Center for the Biotechnology Workforce at Forsyth Tech is implementing this project in which ten community college instructors from across the nation will be selected as Fellows for a month and gain a panoramic view of the bioscience industry. Fellows participate in boot camps at 3 community colleges with hands-on lab experiences and shadow workers in various departments at a dozen different industrial/university hosting facilities. An online application and a short video with more information about this opportunity are available. Contact Mica Welsh at (336) 757-3381, or Russ Read at (336) 734-7651, for more information.

Save the date for the 2015 National Association for Workforce Improvement (NAWI) Conference in Saratoga Springs, New York May 19-21.

This year’s conference will focus on “CTE for ALL: Celebrating 50 Years of Workforce Education.” Information on presentation proposals and registration can be found here.

Is your project/center on Facebook, Twitter, or another social media site?

If so, please make sure we've found that site and added it to the ATE Social Media Directory. Having your social media presence linked through the directory will help ensure that interested parties can find you online. In addition, if you currently publish a newsletter, please let us know, as we will be adding links to newsletters to the information available on ATE Central.

Follow ATE Central on Facebook and Twitter to keep up with all things new at ATE Central and in the ATE Community as well as in the world of STEM Education.

Can CWIS software help support your project goals?

CWIS is open source software, created with NSF funding, that can help your project or center showcase resources online. It's free and very easy to use. The latest version (CWIS 3.1.1) was released on and is available for download on the Scout site. Please email if you have any questions or would like a quick tour of its features!

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