Welcome to the ATE Central Connection! Published the first Monday of each month, the ATE Central Connection is meant to disseminate information to and about ATE centers and projects, providing you with up-to-date ATE news, events, reminders, as well as highlighting new centers, projects, and resources. In addition, we will also highlight an educational topic with complementary resources found within ATE Central to help illustrate how ATE resources can be used in the classroom.

We want the ATE Central Connection to be a valuable tool; please e-mail with any suggestions about how to make the ATE Central Connection more useful for you or to suggest any information you would like to see in an upcoming issue.

Upcoming Events

May 12-14 RAPID Manufacturing Conference and Expo Schaumburg,IL
May 24-27 NISOD (National Institute for Staff and Organizational Development) Conference
(Visit ATE Central at the AMSER booth #320)
Austin, TX
June 7-9 Society of Manufactoring Engineers Philadelphia, PA
June 9-11 Green Manufacturing Expo New York, NY
June 14-17 American Society for Engineering Education 2009 Annual Conference and Exhibition Austin, TX
June 14-18 2009 Material Handling Teachers Institute (MHTI) Fayetteville, AK
June 15-26 Weld-Ed Workshop for Welding and Materials Joining Education Waco, TX
June 18-19 Manufacturing Education Transformation Summit Austin, TX
July 11-14 ESRI Education User Conference San Diego, CA
July 19-22 HI-TEC (High Impact Technology Exchange Conference) Scottsdale, AZ

If you have any upcoming events that you would like posted on ATE Central or in the ATE Central Connection please send them to

Featured ATE Event

High Impact Technology Exchange Conference (Hi-Tec) July 19-22, 2009

HI-TEC is a national conference on advanced technical education for technical educators, counselors, industry professionals, and technicians. HI-TEC explores the convergence of scientific disciplines and technologies and is the first national conference on advanced technological education where both faculty who teach technicians and technicians themselves can go to update skills and knowledge. Charged with educating America’s technical workforce, HI-TEC will consist of one and a half days of pre-conference workshops and two days of conference sessions and keynote speakers.

If you would like to see your center, project, or event highlighted in the ATE Central Connection, please go to ATE Central to review your center, project, or event online.  Then, email to let us know that you'd like to be featured in an upcoming issue and how we can update your information in ATE Central.

Featured ATE Resources

Here is a small sample of the valuable resources in ATE Central that focus on Chemical Technology:

From the Center for the Advancement of Process Technology (CAPT) resource collection:

The Titration Method of Analysis for Determining Process Impurities [pdf]

Distributed by the Center for the Advancement of Process Technology (CAPT) as a laboratory exercise provided for math and science teachers, “[t]he purpose of this activity is to teach students the techniques necessary for performing titrations as a method of analysis in a Unit Lab.” In this titration methods lab, students “will use the titration method of analysis to determine the concentration of Acetic acid (HAc) and Hydrochloric acid (HCl) in samples prepared by the Instructor.” Furthermore, student participants “will be asked to titrate four samples, demonstrating proper blanking and titrating technique.” The present lab stresses the importance of cleanliness and accuracy of measurement. This is a great resource and laboratory exercise for science teachers looking to prepare students for laboratory-based process technology jobs. The instructor version is described above, but the student version is also available and may be found here -

Gas Laws [pdf]

This lab exercise, created by John Cooper of Brazosport College, is available via the Center for the Advancement of Process Technology’s (CAPT) website. The objective for this exercise is to “investigate and explain simple experimental results of atmospheric pressure and to verify Boyle’s Law for gases.” Included in this resource are several examples of pressure demonstrations, which teachers can present. The demonstration outline is followed by a lab procedure for students that examines Boyle’s Law. Questions for the students to answer are provided at the end in the “conclusions” section. This lab activity is a great introduction into atmospheric pressure and gas properties.


From the Concord Consortium's Molecular Literacy project:

Diffusion, Osmosis, and Dialysis

In this activity, by the Concord Consortium's Molecular Literacy project, students will learn the concepts of diffusion, osmosis and dialysis. The site is broken down into all three concepts, this allows students to learn at their own pace and return to a lesson if needed. A combination of colorful images, insightful text and comprehensive quizzes makes this a useful educational resource. The activity itself is a java-based interactive resource built upon the free, open source Molecular Workbench software. In addition, visitors will find an overview of the activity, assessments, and concepts and their correlation to AAAS and NSES standards.

For more ATE chemical technology resources please visit:

News & Reminders

ATE Central will be exhibiting at the National Institute for Organizational Development (NISOD) Conference in Austin, TX on May 24-27, 2009.  Stop by and visit us at booth #320 in the Exhibit Hall while you are at the conference.

If you are part of an ATE project or center and would like to learn more about becoming involved in ATE Central, please start by filling out the ATE Central Survey ( to provide us with additional information about your project or center and how ATE Central can best serve your needs.

In addition to completing the survey, you may also want to download the ATE Central Handbook at Here you fill find information about ATE Central and how your project or center may take part and benefit from ATE Central's portal and services.