Weld-Ed: National Center for Welding Education

Weld-Ed, in collaboration with business and industry, improves the quality, quantity and availability of welding technicians through advancement of educational curriculum and instructor professional development. To accomplish the mission, the Center's staff and partners work collaboratively on the development of new and improved curricula in all areas of the materials joining industry. As a result of these efforts, faculty and instructors are provided continuing education opportunities throughout the academic year and in the summer months. These programs are specifically designed to train the next generation of workers for the materials joining industry and to upgrade the skills of existing workers.
Education Level
ATE Award Metadata
Award Number
0402242, 0703018, 1104107, 1400351, 2000539, 2436592
Funding Status
ATE Start Date
July 1st, 2004
ATE Expiration Date
September 30th, 2027
ATE Principal Investigator
Monica Pfarr
Primary Institution
Lorain County Community College
Record Type
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