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High School -- Grade 11


This webpage, published by Hostos Community College, provides instructional videos created for educators interested in incorporating the Game-Framed Math & Science (G-FMS) initiative into their classroom. The G-FMS initiative "aims to increase students’ understanding of STEM-based subjects at...
Screenshot for Gain
This video, made available by the Northeast Advanced Technological Education Center (NEATEC), is part of the NEATEC Electronics II Series from Professor Roger Young. This video describes gain and runs 24:42 minutes in length.
Screenshot for Galvanized Sheet Metal Lab
This module, created by Jamie Acker of Olympic High School in Bremerton, Washington, provides a look into an entry-level lab on galvanized metal. The introduction states, "This simple lab visually shows the effects of removing zinc from a galvanized piece of sheet metal and provides students an...
This page, from the The Center for Innovative Research in Cyberlearning (CIRCL), offers information on the emerging field of games-based learning and the potential of computer games and virtual reality to enhance classroom instruction. A topic overview looks at the varying use of games in this...
Screenshot for Gateway Advanced Manufacturing and Engineering
The Gateway Advanced Manufacturing and Engineering Program helps to provide students with the skills to compete in a growing industrial sector. These types of skills are growing more valuable and marketable in this growing job market, and Gateway Advanced Manufacturing and Engineering strives to...
In the early days of DNA manipulation, DNA fragments were laboriously separated by gravity. In the 1970s, the powerful tool of DNA gel electrophoresis was developed. This process uses electricity to separate DNA fragments by size as they migrate through a gel matrix. This animation from Cold Spring...
This lab activity from the Biotechnology Alliance for Suncoast Biology Educators (BASBE) introduces the methods of RFLP analysis, or DNA fingerprinting, by using gel electrophoresis. Students will learn the role of restriction enzymes in DNA fingerprinting. Required materials, procedure and...
This lab activity from the Biotechnology Alliance for Suncoast Biology Educators (BASBE) provides instructions for conducting a gel electrophoresis lab. Students will try to solve a paternity case with this activity by obtaining a DNA fingerprint from each potential father, the mother and the child....
Screenshot for Gelatin Microfluidics
This lab, presented by the National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network, covers the concept of material properties. Students will create a microfluidic device to show "the importance of channel design in biotechnology and nanotechnology and the methods used to study the behavior of fluids as they...
This 20-page paper from Elizabeth Fennema examines the topic of gender differences in learning mathematics. This paper examines changing beliefs about how women learn math, such as a preference for learning cooperatively, and reviews intervention programs for girls and women. Feminist perspectives...
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