Browse Resources

High School -- Grade 11


Screenshot for Evapotranspiration In Florida's Water Budget
In this 2-page activity, from the Advanced Technology Environmental and Energy Center, students learn how to use laboratory and field equipment (glassware, balances, meters, electrodes, etc.). The purpose of the exercise is "to determine the amount of evapotranspiration in the water budget." This...
Screenshot for Excel: Complex Addition
In this animated and interactive object, students view the steps for adding complex numbers in Excel.
Screenshot for Excel: Complex Division
In this animated and interactive object, students view the steps for dividing complex numbers in Excel.
Screenshot for Excel: Complex Multiplication
In this animated and interactive object, students view the steps for multiplying complex numbers in Excel.
In this animated and interactive object, students view the steps for subtracting complex numbers in Excel.
In this animated and interactive object, students read how to use the DEGREES() function to convert radians to degrees.
Screenshot for Excel: Determining the Complex Conjugate
In this animated and interactive object, students read how to use the IMCONJUGATE() function to convert complex numbers to their conjugate in rectangular form.
Screenshot for Excel: Determining the Square Root of a Complex Number
In this animated and interactive object, learners view the steps for determining the square root of a complex number in Excel.
In this animated and interactive object, learners examine the complex number function to convert real and imaginary coefficients into a complex number.
Screenshot for Excel: Entering a Formula
In this animated and interactive object, learners examine the complex number function to convert real and imaginary coefficients into a complex number.
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