Browse Resources

High School -- Grade 11


This lesson, developed by Mandy Adami, reviews students' knowledge of Wyoming energy resources as they relate specifically to Wyoming geography and infrastructure. The culminating activity will have students demonstrate their knowledge of the different types of energy in Wyoming, and where they are...
Screenshot for Energy Careers: Plant Mechanic
This video, produced through a partnership between Washington State University and University of Washington, discusses a variety of careers that work to improve energy efficiency. The video is 5:24 in length and includes an interview with several Power Generator Servicemen. The professionals are...
Screenshot for Energy Careers: Plant Operators
This video, produced through a partnership between Washington State University and University of Washington, discusses a variety of careers that work to improve energy efficiency. The video is 3:30 in length and includes an interview with an Electricity Generator Operator. This professional is...
This lesson, created by Bruce Karpe, utilizes Chevron's online simulation, Energyville (the objective of which is to provide "enough power to meet the energy demands of a city with a population of 5.9 million people, while keeping them prosperous, secure, and living in a clean environment") to...
Screenshot for Energy Critical Infrastructure Sector Cybersecurity
In this video from the National Cybersecurity Training and Education Center, Philip Craiger explores the energy critical infrastructure sector in the cybersecurity industry. Craiger provides information on the energy sector, factors that affect the protection of the energy sector, the current state ...
Screenshot for Energy Critical Infrastructure Threats, Attacks, and Mitigation Strategies
This video from the National Cybersecurity Training and Education Center (NCyTE) is the second video in a series that provides an introduction to the energy critical infrastructure sector and cybersecurity, focusing on threats, attacks, and mitigation strategies. In this video, Philip Craiger ...
Screenshot for Energy Efficiency: Careers that make a difference
This video, produced through a partnership between Washington State University and University of Washington, discusses a variety of careers that work to improve energy efficiency. The video is 8:02 in length and includes interviews with a variety of professionals such as a Home Energy Audit Program...
This lesson, from the Northern Wyoming Community College District, focuses on mining for energy sources in the state of Wyoming. Students learn about "the amount of resources available for mining and the amounts produced throughout the state," including coal, natural gas, fissionable materials, oil,...
In this professional development video from Getting Results, students and their instructors discuss how lab time reinforces what is taught in lecture. One instructor says his goal is to prepare students through lecture, and then apply the learning in a lab. In this video, the students have to...
This website from the National Academy of Engineering is intended to bring attention to the opportunities that engineering represents for girls and women. The websites includes a directory of women engineers, interviews, information about historical engineers, facts about engineering careers,...
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