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High School -- Grade 11


Screenshot for DRONETECH Geospatial Applications Session 2.2
This video recording is from the DroneTech Educator Workshop: Drones and Geospatial Applications series provided by the National Center for Autonomous Technologies. Ben Richason shares lesson plan examples that illustrate applications of drone and geospatial technologies in secondary and...
Screenshot for Dry Thermal Oxidation Process
In this video, created by Support Center for Microsystems Education (SCME), viewers can watch an animation on the dry thermal oxidation process. This animation "illustrates the chemistry of a dry thermal oxidation process that is used to grow silicon dioxide (SiO2) on a silicon (Si) wafer. In a dry...
This interactive resource, developed by North Carolina State University and funded by the United States Department of Energy, helps interested individuals discover applicable "incentives and policies that support renewable energy and energy efficiency in the United States" and surrounding...
Screenshot for Dual Credit High School-Community College DNA Sequencing and Genomics
This video, published by InnovATEBIO, explores the Dual Credit High School-Community College DNA Sequencing and Genomics Project at Austin Community College (ACC). This project provides research-based, hands-on, and real-world biotechnology workforce experience for two-year community college and...
Screenshot for Dual Credit HS DNA Sequencing and Internships in Protein Biomanufacturing
This resource, published by InnovATEBIO, features two presentations: one that explains the Dual Credit High School-Community College DNA Sequencing and Genomics Project at Austin Community College, followed by one on the development of a training program for protein biomanufacturing at Los Angeles...
Screenshot for Dye-sensitized Solar Cells
Module Description: This module was created by the Center for Nanotechnology Education (Nano-Link) and covers dye-sensitized solar cells (DSC). "This device is essentially a photo-electrochemical cell, which means that a photo-induced chemical reaction causes electrons to travel from one material...
This web page, from the Nanotechnology Applications and Career Knowledge Support Center (NACK Center), includes materials for the undergraduate laboratory course titled Basic Nanotechnology Processes. The following seven units are included: An Introduction to Processing, An Introduction to Uses of...
Screenshot for Eagle Rays: Technical Report
This 20-page report, from the American International School in Ridyah, describes the design and construction of the underwater remotely operated vehicle (ROV) created by the Eagle Rays team for the Ranger Class of the 2023 MATE ROV competition. MATE ROV is a global competition that challenges STEM...
Two sequencing techniques were developed independently in the 1970s. The method developed by Fred Sanger used chemically altered 'dideoxy' bases to terminate newly synthesized DNA fragments at specific bases (either A, C, T, or G). These fragments are then size-separated, and the DNA sequence can be...
Screenshot for Earning College Credit in High School
ATETV continues to produce excellent web-based videos spotlighting advanced technical careers and educational programs. This video, part of the From High School to College series, shows how high school students can earn college credits and chart a seamless pathway to college through dual enrollment...
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