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High School -- Grade 11


Screenshot for Deposition Overview for Microsystems Learning Module
Module Description: This module, from Support Center for Microsystems Education (SCME), introduces "students to the common processes used to deposit thin films in the fabrication of micro-size devices." This module is divided into the following six units: Knowledge Probe (Pre-test), Primary...
Screenshot for Design a Container Activity
In this 2-page activity, from the Advanced Technology Environmental and Energy Center, students translate real world problems into mathematical form. Students use formulas to calculate perimeter, circumference, surface area, cross sectional areas, and volumes of three dimensional analysis. This...
Screenshot for Design a Tour Bus: High School Lesson
Unit Description: FLATE, the Florida Advanced Technological Education Center for Manufacturing, has developed a series of “Made in Florida” lesson plans to prepare students for careers in manufacturing. These Lesson Plans are intended to enrich science, technology, engineering, and mathematics...
Screenshot for Design a Tour Bus: Middle School Lesson
The Florida Advanced Technological Education Center offers this “learning challenge” to middle schoolers, challenging them to design a tour bus. There are teacher materials offered, such as a lesson plan and a PowerPoint presentation; as well as student materials that include a student’s guide,...
Screenshot for Designing a Guitar Body
This 3-page resource, made available by the STEM Guitar Project, is an activity on guitar body design. During the activity students design a wooden guitar body with Vcarve Pro CAD software. The activity was designed as a capstone project "for second and third year students already familiar with CAD...
This curriculum unit from Cornell Science Inquiry Partnerships aims to teach students about acid/base chemistry through the use of titration. Students act as quality control testers to determine the amount of Ca2+ in Tang® and Mg(OH)2 in milk of magnesia by standardizing three solutions for ion...
Screenshot for Determining Flood Risk in Iowa
This exercise, from the Integrated Geospatial Education and Technology Training Project (iGETT), uses annual flood risk in Cedar Rapids, Iowa as an example to help students understand how Geographic Information System (GIS) and remote sensing can be used to analyze flood situations. Using this...
The North Carolina Community College System BioNetwork's interactive eLearning tools (IETs) are reusable chunks of training that can be deployed in a variety of courses or training programs. IETs are designed to enhance, not replace hands-on training. Learners are able to enter a hands-on lab...
This activity, created by Clint Moseley, demonstrates the embodied energy hidden in the products people use, purchase, and throw away, in addition to the travel people undertake. Students will use actual utility statements, spending habits, and travel history to calculate their own carbon footprint,...
Screenshot for Develop an Articulation Agreement
Articulation agreements are arrangements between two year colleges and Universities or high schools and two year colleges that describe how credits will transfer between institutions. This guide presents examples of these agreements and describes how to create them. The guide may be downloaded in...
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