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Middle School -- Grade 8


These presentation slides from Advanced Manufacturing and Prototyping, Integrated to Unlock Potential (AMP-IT-UP) address integrating STEM into middle school math and science curriculum. AMP-IT-UP is "a National Science Foundation Math and Science Partnership to promote workforce development and to...
Screenshot for What Is Energy Stations
This video, from the Center for Renewable Energy Advanced Technological Education Resource Center (CREATE), demonstrates various experiments showcasing renewable energy concepts. The video begins with an electric hot plate boiling water, followed by an explanation of a solar panel connected to a...
This video, provided by the University of Cambridge, was created for the NANOYOU Project and is intended as a resource for students, teachers, and anyone interested in a quick introduction to nanoscience. Researchers are shown exploring topics such as light at the nanoscale, hydrophilic surfaces,...
Screenshot for What is Nanoscience?
This learning module from the Northeast Advanced Technological Education Center (NEATEC) explores nanoscience. Educators can incorporate this module into an existing STEM class. Essential questions and objectives of the learning module are provided alongside New York state's common core learning...
This activity is provided by Stanford Solar Center and explores ultraviolet light. The activity explores questions about ultraviolet light such as "what it is, where it comes from, how we can detect it, and what effects it has upon us and our Earth." The activity includes student prerequisites,...
Screenshot for What Predicts Middle School Girls' Interest in Computing?
In this 17 page article from the International Journal of Gender, Science and Technology, researchers analyzed data from 140 Latina and Caucasian girls in a California middle school during the first day of an IT-intensive after school program. They found that a young woman’s interest in computer...
This middle school activity from the Florida Advanced Technological Education (FL-ATE) Center will help students develop their understanding of the design and manufacturing process. The lesson asks the class to examine the properties of matter and the importance of the appropriate selection of a...
Screenshot for What's In Your Neighborhood?
This lesson, presented by the National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network, covers the general concepts of size and scale by focusing on the entire classroom and the size of the students in it. The activity focuses on measuring length as this is "the most common feature when presenting nanoscale...
This page from the U.S. Department of Energy's WINDExchange Program provides curricula and teaching materials about wind energy for elementary, middle, and high school students. Some featured links include the 4-H Group's Wind Curriculum, which includes a youth guide, a facilitators guide, and...
This women in technology video was created by the Regional Center for Nuclear Education and Training (RCNET). Young women from elementary school age to college age are shown engaging in various aspects of technological science. This video runs 00:02:05 minutes in length.
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