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Instructional Material -- Problem Set


Unit Description: FLATE, the Florida Advanced Technological Education Center for Manufacturing, has developed a curriculum to prepare students for careers in manufacturing. These Comprehension Instructional Sequence Model (CIS) Lesson Plans are intended to “build learners’ background knowledge in...
Unit Description: FLATE, the Florida Advanced Technological Education Center for Manufacturing, has developed a curriculum to prepare students for careers in manufacturing. These Comprehension Instructional Sequence Model (CIS) Lesson Plans are intended to “build learners’ background knowledge in...
Unit Description: FLATE, the Florida Advanced Technological Education Center for Manufacturing, has developed a curriculum to prepare students for careers in manufacturing. These Comprehension Instructional Sequence Model (CIS) Lesson Plans are intended to “build learners’ background knowledge in...
Screenshot for Development of Free Electronic Educational Resources for Technician Education in Vacuum Technology
In this video presentation, provided by Erie Community College, physics professor Elena Brewer discusses the process of creating an accessible E-book, laboratory manual, and other online resources for training technicians in vacuum technology. Brewer begins by providing background on the...
Screenshot for Disease Epidemic - ELISA Technique
From the University of California, Davis, Partnership for Plant Genomics Education, this biotechnology laboratory is a two-day activity using the ELISA assay, a "test that uses the immune system to detect disease," to study the epidemiology of a hypothetical small scale epidemic. The lesson gives...
Course Description: This course, titled Experimental Testing of Vehicles and provided by the Center for Advanced Automotive Technology (CAAT), is designed for community college students and automotive test technicians in the area of vehicle experimental testing. It is suitable for inclusion in an...
This high school or beginning undergraduate level lab demonstration and inquiry activity will introduce students to the process of fermenting cellulosic biomass into cellulosic ethanol, along with the challenges researchers face in this area. The demonstration uses a Vernier probe or balloons to...
This lesson, presented by the National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network, covers "an introduction to the field of nanotechnology by discussing its real-world implications in light of current economic issues and conditions. The lesson is performed using the Creative Problem-Solving format and...
Screenshot for It Pays to Save in Your Home
This collection from the Center for Renewable Energy Advanced Technological Education Resource Center (CREATE) is composed of teaching materials that highlight a lesson on energy savings for homeowners. The collection is composed of seven documents. The documents include an instructors guide, a...
Screenshot for Learning About Surface Area and Volume
This lesson, presented by the National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network, covers the general concepts of area, perimeter, and volume to include surface area. Early exposure to the concepts of geometry, and broad concepts related to the elementary ideas of nanotechnology, are introduced to prime...
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