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Instructional Material -- Lecture/Presentation


This webinar, provided by EvaluATE: Evaluation Resource Center for Advanced Technological Education, discusses writing good survey questions. The webinar has the following objectives: identify how survey questions fit into and inform broader evaluation purposes, apply guidelines for question...
This webinar, provided by the Centers Collaborative for Technical Assistance, addresses internal and external stakeholder partnerships for grants. This webinar took place on March 29, 2018. The presenters were Elaine Johnson, PI and Executive Director of Bio-Link; Ann Beheler, PI and Executive...
These presentation slides, provided by EvaluATE: Evaluation Resource Center for Advanced Technological Education, are from a two-part webinar workshop that was intended for those preparing ATE proposals and seeking assistance in integrating evaluation into project work. This workshop focused on the...
Screenshot for Development of Free Electronic Educational Resources for Technician Education in Vacuum Technology
In this video presentation, provided by Erie Community College, physics professor Elena Brewer discusses the process of creating an accessible E-book, laboratory manual, and other online resources for training technicians in vacuum technology. Brewer begins by providing background on the...
Screenshot for Diagnostic BioMEMS Learing Module
This learning module, provided by Support Center for Microsystems Education, introduces participants to diagnostic BioMEMS, or biological microelectromechanical systems. The module presents information about the areas in diagnostic medicine that are impacted by the introduction of BioMEMS. The...
Screenshot for Digital Arithmetic V1
This video, made available by the Northeast Advanced Technological Education Center (NEATEC), is part of the NEATEC Digital Electronics Series from Professor Roger Young. This video describes digital arithmetic and runs 56:49 minutes in length.
This webinar, made available by Maricopa Advanced Technology Education Center (MATEC), discusses Mozilla's Open Badge system. Badges are defined as "digital representations of a skill or achievement" and can be used in a variety of environments from education and social media to the workplace. Some...
This PowerPoint presentation, made available by Maricopa Advanced Technology Education Center (MATEC), summarizes "the most widely used serial digital interfaces used in computers and all other types of electronic equipment." The presentation begins with an explanation as to why an understanding of...
Screenshot for Digital Home Technology Integration Curriculum
The National Convergence Technology Center (CTC) has made digital home technology integration curriculum available online. The site includes a syllabus, learning activities and PowerPoint presentations related to the topic. Sample resources are available to anyone.
This lesson, from the Technological Education Pathways Partnership (TEPP), uses a bathroom scale to explore the load cell technology used in weigh stations on interstate highways. A Word document explains the concept of the Wheatstone bridge measure of electrical resistance, and two PowerPoint...
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