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Instructional Material -- Lecture/Presentation


Screenshot for Creating a Python Script Within a Notebook, Buffer in a Notebook Lesson (Module 9 of 9)
This video lesson, provided by the GeoTech Center, is from the ninth module of the Python and Geospatial Mapping course, titled Creating a Python Script Within a Notebook. The course is designed for experienced users of Global Information Systems (GIS) platforms who are new to programming, with the...
Screenshot for Creating a Python Script Within a Notebook, ListFields Lesson (Module 9 of 9)
This video lesson, provided by the GeoTech Center, is from the ninth module of the Python and Geospatial Mapping course, titled Creating a Python Script Within a Notebook. The course is designed for experienced users of Global Information Systems (GIS) platforms who are new to programming, with the...
Screenshot for Creating a Python Script Within a Notebook, Search Cursor Lesson (Module 9 of 9)
This video lesson, provided by the GeoTech Center, is from the ninth module of the Python and Geospatial Mapping course, titled Creating a Python Script Within a Notebook. The course is designed for experienced users of Global Information Systems (GIS) platforms who are new to programming, with the...
Screenshot for Creating a Solar Roadmap for your School
This presentation, provided by Madison Area Technical College, was given at the Midwest Renewable Energy Fair on June 21, 2019. This presentation provides a brief overview of historical clean energy efforts at Madison College, the Solar Photovoltaic Roadmap, Madison College's rooftop solar project,...
This webinar, provided by the Centers Collaborative for Technical Assistance, discusses dashboards for grants development and management. In this webinar, the presenters discuss dashboard elements, informational elements vs. trends and Key Performance indicators (KPIs), creating ownership to make a...
Screenshot for Creating Effective Resumes and Preparing for Job Interviews Workshop
This video from the CyberWatch Center presents a resume writing and job interviewing tips workshop. The workshop was created by Professor Michael Burt of Prince George's Community College. The material presented here would be useful for students in a variety of disciplines. Flash is required to view...
Screenshot for Creating Virtual Geoscience Teaching Resources with ArcGIS
This workshop took place at the 2021 Esri Education Summit and "... explores the skills and knowledge required to create compelling virtual experiences that will engage students with geoscience." During this video, viewers will be shown "... how to blend 3D mapping, the Living Atlas, GIS analysis,...
Screenshot for Creation of a Cybersecurity Course for Automotive Technicians
This presentation was given by Nelson Kelly, Assistant Director of the Center for Advanced Automotive Technology (CAAT) at the High Impact Technology Exchange Conference (HI-TEC) in 2021. During the presentation, Kelly talks about meeting with automotive industry experts and determining that an...
Screenshot for CRISPR Curriculum and Biotech Careers
This video, published by InnovATEBIO National Biotechnology Education Center, features Dr. John McDowell and Dr. Sasndra Porter. During the video McDowell "talks about developing materials and incorporating CRISPR into the classroom." Porter then "presents an overview of,...
This webinar recording is provided by Bio-Link and Maricopa Advanced Technology Education Center (MATEC). This webinar was given by five presenters that came from different educational institutions, including St. Louis Community College, Austin Community College, Bluegrass Community and Technical...
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