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This lesson, from the Technological Education Pathways Partnership (TEPP), uses a bathroom scale to explore the load cell technology used in weigh stations on interstate highways. A Word document explains the concept of the Wheatstone bridge measure of electrical resistance, and two PowerPoint...
Screenshot for DNA Automation with Nano-Structured Ceramics
In this video from the NACK Center, Mario Blanco explores fully synthetic oligonucleotides and how the use of nano-structured ceramic films enables the synthesis of hundreds of DNA genes in gram quantities overnight. Furthermore, Blanco describes how these nano-structured ceramics can be...
Screenshot for DNA Microarray Learning Module
Module Description: This module, from Support Center for Microsystems Education (SCME), introduces participants to DNA microarrays. The module covers types of arrays, applications, interpretation, design, and fabrication. Included "activities provide the opportunity for students to gain a better...
Screenshot for DNA Overview Learning Module
Module Description: This module, from Support Center for Microsystems Education (SCME), provides "an overview of the DNA molecule, its role as genetic material, its molecular components and structure and DNA replication." The module is divided into the following five units: Knowledge Probe (KP or...
Screenshot for DNA to Protein Learning Module
Module Description: This module, from Support Center for Microsystems Education (SCME), provides students with "information needed to understand how the digitally encoded information in DNA is translated into a functional protein that can be used for biomedical applications." This module is divided...
Screenshot for Drone Maintenance Program
These resources, published by the National Center for Autonomous Technologies (NCAT), include a flyer for a virtual event on developing a drone program and presentation slides on drone maintenance. The 1-page flyer describes the event, where educators and administrators learn about navigating the...
Screenshot for DroneTech 2020 - Drones and Geospatial Applications
Collection Description: This collection includes materials from the DroneTech Educator Workshop: Drones and Geospatial Applications that was held by the National Center for Autonomous Technologies (NCAT). "This workshop ... focus[ed] on developing and integrating practical applications of Drone...
Screenshot for DroneTech Educator Workshop 2020 - Stem Drones Take Flight
This collection includes materials from the DroneTech Virtual Educator Workshop: STEM Drones Take Flight that was held by the National Center for Autonomous Technologies (NCAT). The workshop was intended to be an introduction to drones and how they can be incorporated into educational programs. The...
Screenshot for DRONETECH Educator Workshop: STEM Drones Take Flight - Part 107
This video, provided by Northland Community and Technical College, is a recording of the Part 107 and What it Means to You session at the 2020 Drones Take Flight workshop. "In this session, NCAT Co-PI and Northland UAS Program Manager Zackary Nicklin covers a broad overview of the regulatory...
Screenshot for Dye-sensitized Solar Cells
Module Description: This module was created by the Center for Nanotechnology Education (Nano-Link) and covers dye-sensitized solar cells (DSC). "This device is essentially a photo-electrochemical cell, which means that a photo-induced chemical reaction causes electrons to travel from one material...
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