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General Advanced Technological Education -- Learning research


This slide deck was presented on October 26, 2017 as part of a National Academy of Sciences workshop on the role of digital tutors. This workshop, entitled "The Role of Digital Tutors," "describe[s] the evidence on the efficacy of Digital Tutors, exploring our current knowledge about the...
Screenshot for Educating the Net Generation
This book, edited by Diana G. Oblinger and James L. Oblinger, explores the Net Generation and the way students think about and use technology. The book may be read online for free or a printed version may be purchased. The book includes a Table of Contents and the following chapters: Introduction;...
Screenshot for Effects of Modular Technology Education on Junior High Students' Achievement Scores
This paper, from Cory Culbertson, Chris Merrill, and Michael Daugherty, of Illinois State University, covers modular technology education for middle schoolers, and how its effect on achievement scores. The authors present a study "to examine whether technology education improves students’...
This 26-page paper, from Lynn Okagaki and Peter A. Frensch, discusses a study on video games and spatial awareness. In this study "Older adolescents played the video game Tetris for a total of 6 hr each in two separate experiments." The results of the study "indicated that playing Tetris improves...
This webpage was published by the Center for Occupational Research and Development (U.S.) as part of the Necessary Skills Now (NSN) project. NSN aims to support integrated instruction in technical schools around employability in the cybersecurity and advanced manufacturing fields. Employability...
How much of a difference can spatial reasoning assessment and training make for female STEM students? At Michigan Tech 80% of female engineering students that received the training were retained compared to 50% of women with weak spatial skills who did not receive any training. This three-page...
This 7-page paper, written by Jean Armstrong and Gilah Leder, describes how engineering courses should be changed so they are more appealing to female students. There were major increases in female enrollment in engineering in the eighties but they have hit a plateau, and in some cases declined in...
Screenshot for Engineering Technology and Computing Programs at Community & Technical Colleges
This resource, published by the American Society for Engineering Education, provides statistics related to associate degrees and certificates in engineering technology and computing. This resource features a line graph depicting the number of associate degrees and certificates awarded overtime by...
Screenshot for Engineering Technology Core (ET Core) Guide
"The ET Core is designed to prepare students for the study of courses specific to any engineering technology major. The curriculum provides hands-on work with technology and workplace relevance as students complete their study of physics, communications, and mathematics (through introductory...
Screenshot for Enhancing Learner Engagement through Immersive and Problem-Based Learning Strategies
This webinar, published by the Center for Workforce Development, is part of a series on technology and instructional issues. In the presentation, Dr. Darren Brooks presents on how to promote learner engagement and how to integrate learners and content within real-world situations. The webinar ...
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