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Information and Security Technologies -- Security, information assurance, and forensics


Screenshot for Emergency Services Cybersecurity Threats, Attacks, and Mitigation
This video from the National Cybersecurity Training and Education (NCyTE) Center explores threats, attacks, and mitigation strategies for the emergency services critical infrastructure sector. In the video, J. Philip Craiger conducts a quick review of emergency services and what it comprises,...
Screenshot for Energy Critical Infrastructure Sector Cybersecurity
In this video from the National Cybersecurity Training and Education Center, Philip Craiger explores the energy critical infrastructure sector in the cybersecurity industry. Craiger provides information on the energy sector, factors that affect the protection of the energy sector, the current state ...
Screenshot for Energy Critical Infrastructure Threats, Attacks, and Mitigation Strategies
This video from the National Cybersecurity Training and Education Center (NCyTE) is the second video in a series that provides an introduction to the energy critical infrastructure sector and cybersecurity, focusing on threats, attacks, and mitigation strategies. In this video, Philip Craiger ...
This site, from the National Center for Women and Information Technology, offers a collection educational materials aimed at teachers of undergraduate computer science courses. The course materials on the site are open use and contributed by faculty from across the U.S., and can be searched by...
Program Description: River Valley Community College, in association with Program Development in Cybersecurity with Focus on Business and Healthcare Concepts, has developed a 4-semester program to prepare students to working the Information Assurance (IA) field with a focus on Cybersecurity and...
This PDF document, provided by the Ohio Region Cybersecurity Technician Training Pipeline at Columbus State Community College, outlines a job description for an entry-level cybersecurity technician.  The document lists the various roles that these professionals play and provides the corresponding...
Screenshot for Episode 48: Integrating Emerging and Cross-Cutting Technologies: Cybersecurity with John Sands
In this podcast episode, published by the Center for Occupational Research and Development, John Sands from Moraine Valley Community College discusses the importance cybersecurity education for technicians in different disciplines. Sands highlights how the interconnectedness of modern systems leads...
Screenshot for Federal Cybersecurity Apprenticeship Resource Guide
This 42-page report, from the National Cyberwatch Center, includes information on cybersecurity apprenticeships. This resource is primarily intended for federal cybersecurity human resources and hiring managers. During over a year long effort "... a working group of 15 federal, academic, and...
Screenshot for Firewall: Gateway Servers
This brief interactive activity, by Electromechanical Digital Library and Wisconsin Technical College System faculty members Joseph Wetzel and Brian Gremore, provides a lesson on gateway servers to further illustrate how data travels on the Internet. The illustrations and animations help...
Screenshot for Firewall: Network Address Translation/Port Address Translation
This brief interactive activity, by Electromechanical Digital Library and Wisconsin Technical College System faculty members Joseph Wetzel and Douglas Tabbutt, provides a basic lesson on firewalls. This learning activity introduces the purpose of a firewall and a simple overview of what a firewall...
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