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Information and Security Technologies -- Security, information assurance, and forensics


These modules were published by the Center for Occupational Research and Development (U.S.) as part of the Necessary Skills Now (NSN) project. NSN aims to support integrated instruction in technical schools around employability in the cybersecurity and advanced manufacturing fields. The modules on...
Screenshot for Cybersecurity Principles Module
This webpage, from National Cybersecurity Training and Education (NCYTE) Center, is one of seven learning modules from the Cybersecurity-Infused Computer Science Modules series. The Primary Learning Objective for this module is: Describe and discuss implications of fundamental secure design...
Screenshot for Cybersecurity Student Resources
This webpage, from National Cybersecurity Training and Education (NCYTE) Center, provides information on the center's resources for students. The webpage includes Student News, Upcoming Events, a Student Resource Library, links to additional resources, and more.
Screenshot for Cybersecurity Trends & Defenses: What You Can Do About It!
This presentation, made available by the University of Hawaii at Honolulu, provides information and guidance on computer security and cyber attacks when working from home. The "threat landscape" during the COVID-19 pandemic is described, including a public service announcement from the FBI and the...
Screenshot for Cybersecurity-Infused Computer Science Modules
This webpage, from National Cybersecurity Training and Education (NCYTE) Center, is a collection of seven learning modules that "have been designed to align with various portions of three prominent curricular frameworks: the College Board AP Computer Science Principles (CSP) course, the NSA CAE/2Y...
This three dimensional world map, from Kaspersky Lab, shows threats to cyber security in real time. Separate colors indicate detection categories, including web anti-virus and intrusion detection scans, and each nation can be selected to view overall threat statistics and rankings. The map can be...
Program Description: River Valley Community College, in association with Program Development in Cybersecurity with Focus on Business and Healthcare Concepts, has developed a 4-semester program to prepare students to working the Information Assurance (IA) field with a focus on Cybersecurity and...
Screenshot for Discover NITIC! How We'll Work Together to Prepare the IT
This video from the National Information Technology Innovation Center (NITC) provides an overview of NITC and its services. During the video, presenters go into detail on NITC products, including the IT Innovation Network (ITIN), a community for faculty sharing, learning, and problem-solving, and...
Program Description: River Valley Community College, in association with Program Development in Cybersecurity with Focus on Business and Healthcare Concepts, has developed a 4-semester program to prepare students to working the Information Assurance (IA) field with a focus on Cybersecurity and...
Screenshot for Embedded AI in Smart Robots, Drones, IoT: Teaching Emerging Technologies in the Classroom
This presentation, made available by the University of Hawaii at Honolulu, provides information about teaching Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its use in Smart Robots, Drones, and the Internet of Things in a classroom setting. AI is defined as "a technique which enables machines to mimic human...
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