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Information and Security Technologies -- Security, information assurance, and forensics


This report, from the National CyberWatch Center, outlines the results of a mapping effort performed by the CyberWatch Curriculum Task Force of cybersecurity curricula to the National Cybersecurity Workforce Framework 1.0 Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities (KSAs). The goal of the study was to build a...
Screenshot for Communications Sector Attacks, Threats, and Mitigation
This video from the National Cybersecurity Training and Education Center (NCyTE) highlights cybersecurity issues in the communications critical infrastructure sector. In the video, Philip Craiger discusses recent cyber threats and actual cyberattacks on the communications sector, as well as the...
Screenshot for Community College Internship Model in Cybersecurity
This webpage, from National Cybersecurity Training and Education (NCYTE) Center, includes a 20-page guide for building "effective student internships in the cybersecurity industry." The guide was developed by Anna Carlin, Computer Information Systems instructor at Fullerton College, for use by...
Screenshot for Computer Science Online
Computer Science Online offers information on computer science education programs and industry for current and potential students in the field. The site stresses "the importance of rigorous, accredited college programs" and includes financial aid information, as well as information on a variety of...
Screenshot for Computing and Information Technology Careers
DeafTEC provides this section of their site with details about information technology careers. Separate pages answer why students should consider a career in IT, help them determine if this career is right for them, and list skills they will need, both technical and personal. Lastly, a section on...
Screenshot for Course Syllabus Standard Template: SMT 1100 Cyber Security/Networking in Manufacturing
This 6-page syllabus, published by Marion Technical College, provides a course template for teaching cyber security, databases, and networking in a manufacturing environment. In addition to general course information and standard college policies, the template offers a brief course description, ten ...
Screenshot for Creating a Cross-Departmental Degree
These presentation, slides from Columbus State Community College, were shared virtually during the 2020 National Science Foundation Advanced Technological Education Primary Investigator (PI) Conference. In this presentation the PIs discussed how standing up a new degree program is a big undertaking,...
Screenshot for Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity Course
This webpage, from National Cybersecurity Training and Education (NCYTE) Center, is a course titled Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity. The course introduces students to "basic security concepts as they apply to critical infrastructure systems." The course is available by way of e-book and...
Screenshot for Critical Infrastructure Security
In this video, from the National Cybersecurity Training and Education (NCyTE) Center, Eleanor Taylor from the National Idaho Laboratory (NIL) discusses the Cybercore Lab and NIL's efforts to create a workforce that educated on cybersecurity issues in critical infrastructure. The NIL Cybercore...
Screenshot for Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience (CISR) Course Material
This webpage, from National Cybersecurity Training and Education (NCYTE) Center, includes Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience curriculum. Each course includes a syllabus with a course outline. Syllabi include course descriptions, learning outcomes, course requirements, prerequisites, and...
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