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Information and Security Technologies -- Geospatial technologies


The Institute for Environmental and Spatial Analysis (IESA) was formed at Gainesville State College in 2001. The Institute is a collaborative effort of the Gainesville State College Division of Natural Sciences, Engineering, and Technology, and Division of Social Sciences, North Georgia College and...
On this page from the SAGE 2YC project, Carol Ormand has compiled a number of useful presentations and reading materials on integrating professional preparation into a GIS program. As the website states: "Preparing your students for their future careers isn't something you do just's an...
Screenshot for Integrating Imagery Data into GIS Projects and Educational Programs
This video, created by Integrated Geospatial Education and Technology Training Project (iGETT), provides an introduction to remote sensing for Geographic Information Systems (GIS) users. This video discusses the following topics: how can remote sensing imagery be used, two types of "sensors" for...
Screenshot for Interactive Classification (Chapter 19 of 22)
This video, provided by Virginia Geospatial Extension, is part of a series of 22 tutorial videos on working with Lidar using ArcGIS Pro. This tutorial demonstrates tools for classifying unassigned points interactively. This video runs 08:23 minutes in length. The other videos in the series are...
From Dr. Ming-Hsiang Tsou at San Diego State University, this geography course "introduces current development of Internet mapping and advanced cartographic skills in Web-based maps." Web authoring tools and internet map servers are used to learn the techniques of internet mapping and Web-based...
Screenshot for Internship in Geospatial Technology
GeoTech Center presents a series of model courses on GIS, spatial technologies, and related subjects. This internship course is a "structured experience in a supervised setting that is related to the student's major and career interests." This course "provides students with an overview of...
This 4-page resource is provided by the GeoTech Consortium of Western New York: Get the GIST (Geospatial Information Science Technology) Certificate and is intended as a professional development activity. During this activity users will learn to navigate and work with a web map by using map tools...
Screenshot for Introducing Geoprocessing Tools for Classification (Chapter 20 of 22)
This video, provided by Virginia Geospatial Extension, is part of a series of 22 tutorial videos on working with Lidar using ArcGIS Pro. This tutorial discusses geoprocessing tools for classification, the location of LAS dataset tools in the toolbox, and geoprocessing tools on the LAS Dataset Layer...
Screenshot for Introducing the LAS Dataset Toolbars (Chapter 12 of 22)
This video, provided by Virginia Geospatial Extension, is part of a series of 22 tutorial videos on working with Lidar using ArcGIS Pro. This tutorial "... explore[s] the context sensitive toolbars and associated tabs when selecting a layer in Contents." This video runs 02:20 minutes in length. The...
Screenshot for Introduction Python for Geospatial Technology
This video, provided by the GeoTech center, is from the first of nine online modules in the Python and Geospatial Mapping course. Designed for experienced users of Global Information Systems (GIS) platforms that are new to programming, this course aims to teach learners how to use Python to automate...
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