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Information and Security Technologies -- Geospatial technologies


Screenshot for Exploring the 3D Analyst Toolbar in ArcMap (Chapter 9 of 16)
This video, provided by Virginia Geospatial Extension, is part of a series of 16 tutorial videos on using Lidar with ArcGIS Desktop. This tutorial demonstrates how to work with the 3D Analyst toolbar in ArcMap, one of the software applications of ArcGIS Desktop. This video runs 08:05 minutes in...
Screenshot for Exploring the LAS Dataset Toolbar (Chapter 8 of 16)
This video, provided by Virginia Geospatial Extension, is part of a series of 16 tutorial videos on using Lidar with ArcGIS Desktop. This tutorial demonstrates how to navigate the LAS dataset toolbar in ArcMap, one of the software applications of ArcGIS Desktop. This video runs 07:00 minutes in...
Screenshot for FAA UAS CTI November 2022
This video from the National Center for Autonomous Technologies describes the Federal Aviation Administration Unmanned Aircraft Systems College Training Initiative (FAA UAS CTI) and its work. In the video, outreach and engagement, including Drone Safety Day, Droning On for different regions to...
Screenshot for Field Data Collection: Power Without Pain
This video, from the 2021 Esri Education Summit, explores field data collection. In the video, Kylie Donia explores how students and educators can employ data collection and GIS for educational projects. Project design, data collection apps, remote data collection and collaboration, and other...
Screenshot for Fight Child Poverty with Demographic Analysis
This activity, adapted from the Esri Learn ArcGIS Lesson: Fight Child Poverty with Demographic Analysis, is a practice in combining demographic information, census data, and ArcGIS digital mapping tools. This document contains 39 pages of step-by-step instructions and images as students learn to...
Screenshot for Flood Boundary Comparison Using ENVI and GIS
Learning Unit Description: The Integrated Geospatial Education and Technology Training Project (iGETT) presents a series of Learning Units (LU) designed to incorporate federal land remote sensing data into Geographic Information System (GIS) instruction. The Flood Boundary Comparison LU examines...
In this activity, developed by the Lane Community College MAPS GIS Program, students are "introduced to the concept of a watershed and begin to develop its biogeographic history from settlement to present day." Students then use maps they created to head into the field to check the validity of the...
In this lesson from MAPS GIS at Lane Community College, students will describe the geodemographics of former French colonies in Africa as defined by the human development index, population densities, birth and death rates, life expectancy. Students will compare the geospatial patterns of data with...
In this white paper, sponsored by GeoTech and written by Dr. Ming-Hsiang Tsou and Jennifer Smith from San Diego State's Department of Geophysics, the role of open source software in Geographic Information System (GIS) education is described. "Open source software is not well adopted in GIS education...
Screenshot for Fundamentals of Remote Sensing
This 258-page document, published by Natural Resources Canada, provides detailed information on remote sensing. The document is divided into the following chapters: Introduction, Sensors, Microwaves, Image Analysis, Applications, and more. Each chapter includes descriptions, definitions, graphics,...
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