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Micro and Nanotechnologies


This handout was made to accompany the Advanced Problem Solving for Technicians webinar presented by the Southwest Center for Microsystems Education (SCME). Presenters included Barbara Lopez, Research Engineer at the University of New Mexico and Instructional Designer for SCME and Mary Jane (MJ)...
This lesson, presented by the National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network, covers the properties of water flow. Students will "observe and understand the way fluids interact with a stationary phase for example, chromatography paper." Next, students will create a list of questions they have about...
Screenshot for Protein Engineered Nano Materials
This webinar discusses how protein engineered nanomaterials are processed in labs as well as their biomedical applications. The presentation is divided into the following sections: Proteins As Building Blocks, Engineered Protein Fibers, and Engineered Protein Nanoparticles. The video runs 52:30...
Screenshot for Quantum Dots
This lab, presented by the National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network, covers the concept of behavior of particles on the nanoscale. Students will learn about exploring the absorption and reflection of light "based on energy levels that are determined by size and bonding arrangements of the...
This lesson, presented by the National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network, covers nanotechnology in literature and culture. The purpose of the lesson is for students to "read and analyze science outside of their textbooks." At the end of the lesson, students discuss nanotechnology's implications...
Screenshot for Recruiting Under-Represented Minorities
These presentation slides, from the Nanotechnology Applications and Career Knowledge (NACK) Center, are from a webinar that discussed recruiting underrepresented minorities in STEM fields. The presentation focused on recruitment strategies, shared resources, gauged the impact of these efforts, and...
This website, from the Nanotechnology Applications and Career Knowledge Support Center (NACK Center), provides resources and information about the Remote Access program. "Remotely Accessible Instruments for Nanotechnology (RAIN) allows students to access and control microscopes, like FESEM-field...
Screenshot for Richard Feynman Video
This video clip provides an introduction to Richard Feynman's work and his impact on nanotechnology. Feynman's talk "There's Plenty of Room at the Bottom" examined the future of technology and how things could be done on the nano-scale. The video includes a few quotes from Feynman's work.
Screenshot for Right Tool for the Job
This lesson, presented by the National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network, introduces elementary students to the concept of using tools to gather information about the world around them. This provides a useful skill foundation for students as they continue into middle and high school and...
Screenshot for Ring Polymers
Module Description: This module, provided by the Center for Nanotechnology Education (Nano-Link), includes background information and an activity on ring polymers. This module is a variation of the Cross-Linked Polymers lesson that is available to view separately. "This version uses a form of...
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