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Agricultural and Environmental Technologies -- Environmental technologies
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The ATETV project delivers web-based videos to connect students to careers in advanced technology. This episode from ATETV focuses on green jobs in wind technology, technician jobs that are in high demand, and home energy audits that save money and create jobs. The episode can be watched in full or...
This document provides preventive measures that building owners and managers can implement promptly to protect building air environments from a terrorist release of chemical, biological, or radiological contaminants.
This website, provided by the California Department of Health Services, Hazard Evaluation System and Information Service (HESIS) Publications, Occupational Health Branch (OHB), offers California workers, employers, and health professionals up-to-date practical answers to questions about the health...
This 5-page learning activity, from the Advanced Technology Environmental and Energy Center (ATEEC), helps students learn how to react in real-world situations in which clear communication and effective teamwork are vital to solving an urgent problem. In this case, a hazardous material spill is...
Hybrid cars and other vehicles have been around for many years. This site treats the reader to information concerning a variety of different forms of alternative energy vehicles including the gasoline-electric hybrid car, diesel-electric hybrids and the differences between the series and parallel...
This 7-page resource focuses on the benefits of using plasma reformers for nitrogen oxide emission reductions. The resource summarizes laboratory and vehicle tests of plasmatrons while attempting to maximize nitrogen oxide reduction and efficient fuel use. The following sections are included:...
This lesson examines ISO 14001 (an international standard encouraging pollution prevention) with respect to existing consumer products. The lesson helps students to understand how redesign of existing products can lead to being able to reuse the materials later. A PowerPoint document with...
This site provides information regarding the improvement of indoor air quality through increased ventilation, air cleaners for particle removal, and source control. It is divided into three sections, one for each of the three aforementioned strategies. An overview of the effectiveness of each...
This site offers numerous informational items concerning sources, eradication and treatment of indoor air problems. Pollutant sources, ventilation, other issues involved in indoor air pollution are explained in detail. A list of popular indoor air quality topics is included, with accompanying links...
This site provides access to The Interior Air Quality (IAQ) Building Education and Assessment Model (I-BEAM), developed by the EPA to offer-state-of-the-art guidance for managing interior air quality in commercial buildings. Additionally, this site offers numerous links pertinent to information for...
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