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Agricultural and Environmental Technologies -- Environmental technologies
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The Partnership for Environmental Technology Education (PETE) provides leadership in environmental education and training through community and technical college partnerships with business, industry, government and other educational providers. PETE is a National Consortium for Environmental...
The New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO) coordinates the funds, personnel, and technological strengths of both the public and private sectors in Japan. NEDO's activities include the development and promotion of new energy and energy conservation technologies,...
The New Mexico Solar Energy Association provides educational resources for teaching students about solar energy. The site has a variety of student projects, resources, and curricula examples. The resources provided on the site cover solar cell demonstrations, DC electricity, photovoltaics, and...
NMSEA is an educational nonprofit organization, dedicated to promoting solar energy and related sustainable practices. Membership includes a diverse group of citizens including architects, building contractors, engineers, educators, and planners specializing in renewable energy and sustainability.
This 92-page manual contains information on safety and health for electrical trades. Sections include Burns Caused by Electricity, Recognizing Hazards, Evaluating Hazards, and Controlling Hazards. A glossary of terms is included at the end for those new to fields involving electricity.
This page, from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, offers collections of data for use by educators, students, researchers, and the general public. There are nine categories of data available: Real-Time Data, Physical Properties Data,...
Areas of the country where air pollution levels persistently exceed the national ambient air quality standards may be designated "nonattainment." This site offers information and maps regarding regions of the country which have been designated as nonattainment areas for each of the pollutants:...
This website is provided by the United States Environmental Protection Agency and includes resources for students and educators about Nonpoint Source (NPS) Pollution. Sections of this website include NPS Pollution Activities for Students, Other Resources Specific to NPS Pollution, and Additional...
This website, provided by the Northeast Sustainable Agriculture Working Group (NESAWG), features educational resources and a blog related to sustainable agriculture. NESAWG works to create a more sustainable and secure regional food system -- one that is economically viable, environmentally sound...
The Novartis Foundation works to shape development policy and cooperation in order to achieve a sustainable improvement in the quality of life of poor people in developing countries and a reduction in poverty and social inequities. The website contains a link to the Publications connected to their...
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