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Agricultural and Environmental Technologies -- Energy technologies


Screenshot for BMW Hydrogen Technology 3D Animation
This video is a tank and engine animation of the BMW Hydrogen 7 car. The video is 3 minutes and 18 seconds in length.
Screenshot for Brownfields Town Meeting Role Play
This 23-page document from the Advanced Technology Environmental and Energy Center (ATEEC) provides educators in environmental education with an activity that explores brownfield areas. "This activity presents a town meeting, with students acting out the roles of stakeholders." A brownfield site in...
This web site provides renewable energy activities and projects. The site is divided into the following sections: Home, Getting Started, Projects, References, Half Program, Experimental, and Site Map. Project topics include Conservation, Solar Thermal, Solar Electric, Bio Fuels, Solar Cooking, and...
Screenshot for Building a Passive Solar Home
This collection from the Center for Renewable Energy Advanced Technological Education Resource Center (CREATE) is composed of teaching materials that highlight a lesson on building a passive solar home. Home energy load profile and variables that affect it are highlighted. The collection is composed...
Screenshot for Building Effective Green Energy Programs in Community Colleges
This PDF document from the Advanced Technology Environmental and Energy Center (ATEEC) presents this report from the Workforce Strategy Center, which includes materials for administrators building green energy programs at their institutions. Topics include responding to industry demand, developing...
The Advanced Technology Environmental and Energy Center (ATEEC) Sustainable Energy Education & Training (SEET) provides this presentation for high school and community college instructors on developing curricula in the sustainable building industry. The document was part of a workshop held during...
Screenshot for Building Sustainable Schools of the Future, Today
This webinar is presented by Mark Hanson and is based on Hanson's book The Inevitable Solar School: Building the Sustainable Schools of the Future, Today. During the webinar, Hanson "describes solar schools at or approaching zero energy that are being built at construction costs equal to or below...
Screenshot for By the Numbers
Lesson Description: This lesson, from the Center for Renewable Energy Advanced Technological Education Resource Center (CREATE), is a basic introduction to American energy dynamics. During the lesson, "students will learn basic dynamics and facts about the American energy economy..." Upon...
This lesson, from the Northern Wyoming Community College District, focuses on California's natural resources. Students identify the energy resources present in the state, including oil, natural gas, hydroelectric, and wind power generation, and plot them on a map of the state. Using this map,...
Screenshot for Call for Innovation Webinar (1 of 2)
During this webinar, provided by the Center for Renewable Energy Advanced Technological Education Resource Center (CREATE), presenters Scott Liddicoat and James Horst discuss innovative ideas in teaching practices. Horst discusses the use of a five-camera system to present energy concepts so...
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