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(12 classifications) (397 resources)

Vocational Education

GEM SubjectClassifications
Agriculture (20)
Allied health occupations (1)
Business (8)
Careers (136)
Cooperative education (2)
Informal education (1)
Instructional issues (260)
Process skills (3)
School-to-work (9)
Tech prep (7)
Technology (148)
Trade and industrial (44)


This 20-page paper, by Janet Washborn of Wisconsin's Center for Education Research at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, was written to explore "patterns of and influences in student attrition in manufacturing and engineering technologist and technician education programs." In hopes of uncovering...
Screenshot for A Longitudinal Analysis of Young Adult Pathways to STEMH Occupations
This 21-page paper, from the Association for Career and Technical Education Research, discusses the findings of a study on educational pathways and key life course transitions of young adults who enter STEMH (science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and health) technician and professional...
Screenshot for A New Way to Prep for College
ATETV continues to produce excellent web-based videos spotlighting advanced technical careers and educational programs. This video, part of the From High School to College series, focuses on a project that helps students develop confidence and learn what it takes to succeed in a college environment....
This collection, provided by EvaluATE: Evaluation Center for Advanced Technological Education, includes two reports on a study of the use of advisory committees by ATE projects and centers. The National Science Foundation (NSF) requires National Visiting Committees (advisory committees) for all ATE...
Screenshot for A Taste of the College Experience
ATETV continues to produce excellent web-based videos spotlighting advanced technical careers and educational programs. This video, part of the From High School to College series, focuses on high school students at the Learning Center for the Deaf experience a college level IT class. The video runs...
Screenshot for Accommodations and Safety for Autistic Employees
This tip sheet, provided by DeafTEC at the Rochester Institute of Technology, offers guidance for employers on accommodating and ensuring the safety of autistic employees in the workplace. The sheet emphasizes the importance of understanding the diverse characteristics and needs of individuals on...
Screenshot for Advocating for Students
This tip sheet, provided by DeafTEC at the Rochester Institute of Technology, is from the ACE It! series on acing conversations with potential employers by knowing how to advocate for students, inform the employer how to effectively communicate with employees with disabilities, and educate the...
Screenshot for Alternative Paths to a Technical Career
The ATETV project delivers web-based videos to connect students to careers in advanced technology. In this episode of ATETV, dual enrollment, changing careers and GIS technology are discussed. Many community colleges offer dual enrollment programs: high school students can receive college credit...
Screenshot for American College of Medical Toxicology
The American College of Medical Toxicology (ACMT) is a professional, nonprofit association of physicians with recognized expertise in medical toxicology, whose mission is to ensure that patients exposed to poisons and toxic substances receive optimal care.
In this 4-page interview, IWITTS’s Executive Director Donna Milgram shares proven strategies STEM educators can use to recruit and retain more women and girls to their STEM courses. Milgram points out some common misconceptions about the best way to recruit and retain more female students to STEM,...
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