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Science -- Instructional issues


These presentation slides are provided by the GeoTech Consortium of Western New York: Get the GIST (Geospatial Information Science Technology) Certificate and include images of and information about volcanoes. Slide topics include stratovolcanoes, Mount St. Helens, shield volcanoes, lava flow...
Screenshot for Water Quality Graphing Activity with Student Worksheet
This 11-page worksheet, from the Advanced Technology Environmental and Energy Center (ATEEC), includes two activities that use data from the U.S. Geological Survey's National Water-Quality Assessment Program (NAWQA). The data is used to graph changes in discharge and water quality parameters over...
These webinar slides, made available by Maricopa Advanced Technology Education Center (MATEC), provide a broad overview of learning objects. A learning object is defined as "a brief presentation on a computer that addresses at least one concept, and possibly up to five of them." The presentation...
Course Description: This Metallurgy and Material Testing course is provided by the Center for Advanced Automotive Technology (CAAT) and is intended for students who have previous experience in welding but none in the principles of metallurgy. Course learning outcomes are to have students: 1....
These presentation slides from Advanced Manufacturing and Prototyping, Integrated to Unlock Potential (AMP-IT-UP) address integrating STEM into middle school math and science curriculum. AMP-IT-UP is "a National Science Foundation Math and Science Partnership to promote workforce development and to...
Screenshot for What is Ohmic? I-V Characteristics of a Diode vs. a Resistor
The Materials Science and Technology Teacher's Workshop (MAST) provides this activity as a vehicle to examine the I-V characteristics of a diode versus a resistor. The exercise will measure the voltage drop across both a diode and a resistor as voltage is varied. Students will then discover the...
Screenshot for What's the Matter: An Introduction to the Physical Properties of Matter
The Materials Science and Technology Teacher's Workshop (MAST) provides this activity as an introduction to the physical properties of matter. The objective of this laboratory is to identify different classes of matter based on their physical properties, specifically the ingredients of concrete. The...
Screenshot for Wood for Guitars Activity
This 12-page resource, made available by the STEM Guitar Project, is an activity on the material properties of wood. The purpose of the activity is to help students "understand why certain wood species are typically selected for various parts of the guitar." The learning objectives for this...
Screenshot for Wood Selection Activity
This 5-page resource, made available by the STEM Guitar Project, is an activity on selecting wood for the construction of acoustic guitars. During the activity students research, examine, and tap test various species of wood and build an acoustic instrument. The learning objectives for this activity...
Screenshot for Working with LEDs: Estimating Semiconductor Band Gap Using LEDs
The Materials Science and Technology Teacher's Workshop (MAST) provides this activity for classes learning about semiconductors and LEDs (light-emitting diodes). The class will observe visible LEDs in simple electrical circuits, relate the composition of semiconductor materials with their behavior...
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