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Science -- Instructional issues


Screenshot for Student Videos on Teaching Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Students
DeafTEC provides this page with a series of short videos interviewing deaf and hard-of-hearing students about their experiences in education. The students talk about deaf stereotypes, positive and negative experiences with teachers, and the fact that they have to prepare more before and after class...
Screenshot for Successful Soldering
This 5-page resource, from the STEM Guitar Project, is an activity on basic soldering. During this activity students will "learn the basics of soldering by creating a solder sculpture and testing for continuity." This activity includes the following learning objectives:  Students will be able...
This 152-page dissertation, written by Rita Manco Powell, is about a study that examines fourteen women in their first year of the computer science major. The study looks at the pre-college influences that led these women to the major and the nature of their experiences with faculty, peers, and...
Screenshot for Superhydrophobicity
Module Description: This module was created by the Center for Nanotechnology Education (Nano-Link) and introduces students to superhydrophobicity. Science and nanoscience concepts covered during the module include molecular bonds, electron density concepts and molecular modeling, atomic and...
This PowerPoint tutorial is provided by Hartnell College and covers taxonomy and phylogeny. In this tutorial, students will learn the Linnaeus classification scheme, two theories of taxonomy, and how to read a cladogram. The tutorial includes an introduction and information on topics such...
Screenshot for Teacher Videos on Teaching Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Students
DeafTEC provides this page with a series of short videos interviewing teachers about their experience teaching deaf and hard-of-hearing students. The teachers talk about deaf stereotypes, positive and negative experiences, and working with interpreters. Additionally, the videos provide viewers with...
Screenshot for Technology Gateway Instructor Guide
"The Technology Gateway is an integrated, problem-based course of study that models the workplace through the use of industrial-type problems and student and faculty teams. Physics/technology, mathematics, and communications are taught concurrently in the context of solving six workplace-related...
Screenshot for The Basic Mix: A General Teacher's Guide for Concrete Preparation
The Materials Science and Technology Teacher's Workshop (MAST) provides this guide for teachers on preparing concrete. Some tips are included along with a graphic and a link to a video clip on making concrete.
This 28-page toolkit outlines a mentoring program at The Center for Women and Information Technology at the University of Maryland. The toolkit includes steps to a successful mentoring program, mentor and protege roles and responsibilities, and a draft of a mentoring agreement. 
This 8-page paper, provided by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, discusses teaching perspective free-hand sketching in engineering design courses. "This paper presents the development of a perspective-based sketching curriculum and the study of how this method compares to more...
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