​​​​​This web page, from the Cybersecurity Education for Advanced Manufacturing Organizations project, features the contents of the Virtual Private Network (VPN)/Firewall Scenario. This scenario is a training module that teaches learners how to use a VPN and firewall to securely access a remote industrial control system (ICS). The scenario goes over the proper precautions to avoid creating risks that can be exploited by hackers, such as using a VPN to encrypt all traffic to and implementing a firewall. Upon completion of the scenario, students should be able to:

  • Explain base firewall concepts
  • Explain basic Virtual Private Network concepts
  • Compare different VPN technologies
  • Demonstrate how the use of a firewall can prevent many remote attacks
  • Demonstrate how the use of VPN secures network traffic

This scenario consists of various web pages with a PowerPoint presentation, best practices for learning, a scenario overview, lab instructions, lab questions, and a video lesson. The scenario overview includes a summary of the scenario, learning outcomes, a list of systems used, a description of the general lab, a diagram of setup and deploy, and a list of resources for more information. The powerpoint covers each of the learning objectives. In the lab, students use a "Kali Linux system to perform a remote network scan on unprotected ICS systems" in order to "demonstrate how the lack of a firewall can allow a remote hacker to compromise passwords and file system security." The lab consists of nine parts.

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