Two Alternative Energy Activities for Your Classroom
In this video, published by the Center for Renewable Energy Advanced Technological Education Resource Center (CREATE), science teacher Greg Hogan discusses two alternative energy activities designed for middle school students. They aim to address the transition from fossil fuels to alternative energy sources through activities rather than traditional instruction. In the first activity, students split into groups and and act as company, creating a presentation to argue for the adoption of a different form of alternative energy. Each group member has a different role in the presentation, such as scientist or consultant, each with its own worksheet to fill out. An instruction sheet, worksheet, rubric, and post-presentation reflection sheet are featured in the video. The second activity consists of Google Forms worksheets for students to fill out while one group works on a wind turbine lab with limited supplies. Hogan discusses how Google Forms can be utilized to create easy worksheets, providing students with something to work on in situations where only one group at a time can work on the main lab or activity.
The video runs 37:44 minutes in length.