Line Electrician-Safety 3: Course Outcome Summary and Syllabus
This 9-page syllabus and 4-page course outcome summary, published by Northeast Wisconsin Technical College (NWTC), provide information about the Line Electrician-Safety 3 course taught at NWTC. This course provides students with the opportunity to develop "safe skills for line clearing, right-of-way maintenance, generating stations, substations, underground systems, protective equipment, and tree trimming."
The syllabus includes six course competencies, seven employability skills, the course grading system, textbooks and course material, the course calendar, and assignments. The Modeling Responsible Behavior Rubric grades students on promptness, participation, and professionalism. Classroom specific policies and NWTC specific policies are also included in the syllabus. The course outcome summary goes into greater depth on the six course competencies introduced in the syllabus. The summary provides assessment strategies, learning objectives, and criteria for success for each course competency. Also included are eight program-wide learning outcomes.