This E-textbook, written by statisticians Hadley Wickham, Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel, and Garrett Grolemund, provides learners with the information needed to use R to put data science into practice. The material in the textbook has been designed for those with a data science background and focuses on using R to transform data, change its structure, visualize data, and model it. Within each part, students learn how to perform a variety of R functions relating to data science, such as importing data, tidying data, R markdown, transforming data, vectors, and more. The E-book has 29 chapters split into the following parts:

  • Part 1: Whole Game
  • Part 2: Data Visualization
  • Part 3: Transforming Data
  • Part 4: Importing Data
  • Part 5: Programming
  • Part 6: Communicating Data
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