Curriculum Description:

This collection includes the components of a 2-week curriculum, developed by County College of Morris, covering tidy data and cleaning data in R. The curriculum uses online videos and R Data Science, a free online E-textbook, to teach students. Throughout the projects, students will learn to use data science technology to clean data, understand different data types and the difference between long and wide data formats. Additionally, students should be able to create customized and new data fields from existing data, pivot data, sperate out fields and join multiple data frames using a primary key

Curriculum Contents:

The curriculum contains a lesson plan, three student projects, a case study, a practice problem on conducting joins, and a final quiz. The lesson plan includes curriculum materials, learning objectives, instructional strategies, tools, homework/assignments, and instructor's notes pertaining to the lessons.

The 10-page Tidy Data in R document features three student projects that have students build a visualization in ggplot for three different datasets. This document also includes reading materials necessary for the projects and a brief quiz on the reading materials.

The 2-page case study provides instructions for students responding to the problem found in chapter 12.6 of the R Data Science E-book. Students will create a ggplot to answer one of four research questions relating to the E-book problem.

The 1-page Joins document provides a graph and some tips, allowing students to conduct left, right, inner, and full joins.

The 4-page quiz requires students to answer nine multiple choice questions and create a visualization in ggplot nine multiple choice questions and requires students to create visualization using ggplot.

Below is a list of the files included in the .zip attachment. The size of each file is included in parenthesis.

Curriculum for Data Science Tidy Data (5 files, 201 KB)

  • Chapter 12 Tidy Data (5. Data Cleaning- Tidy Data in R.docx 77 KB)
  • 12.6 Case Study (6. Data Cleaning- 12.6 Case Study TB.docx 17 KB)
  • Joins (7. Data Cleaning- Joins.docx7 69 KB)
  • Cleaning Data in R Lesson Plan (Lesson-Plan-Template Intro to Data Science Cleaning Data in R.docx 28 KB)
  • Quiz on Tidy Data (Quiz on Tidy Data 23 KB)
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