This 23-page report, published by Southern University of Science and Technology, describes the design and construction of the underwater remotely operated vehicle (ROV) created by the Glaucus team for the Telepresence Explorer Class of the 2022 MATE ROV competition. MATE ROV is a global competition that challenges STEM students to build underwater ROVs to complete challenges. The competition is split into the following classes based on build complexity: Explorer, Ranger, Pioneer, Navigator, and Scout.

The report begins with an abstract introducing Glaucus and their ROV. Following the abstract is the design rationale section, which provides an analysis of the construction of the team's ROV, discussing the design motivation, system approach (propulsion, mechanical framework, etc.), mission specific features (manipulation, image processing, etc.), buoyancy and ballast, vehicle structure, and innovation. The report also covers testing and troubleshooting, safety, project management, conclusions, acknowledgments, and references. The following appendices are included: SID (systems integration diagram), Budget, Cost Accounting, Checklist.

Manuals for each competition class and technical reports from other teams are available to view separately.

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