CCPI-STEM: A Conversation with Three CCPI Fellows

This video is from the fifth episode of the CCPI-Cast webinar series from Prince George's Community College. The webinar focuses on the Community College Presidents' STEM Initiative's (CCPI-STEM) CCPI-STEM Fellows program, which facilitates research in STEM education and prepares faculty and administration for leadership in community colleges with STEM-related programs. This video features a conversation with three CCPI-STEM Fellow recipients, discussing their experiences as fellows, advice for prospective fellows, their research in STEM education, their reasons for applying to the program, and more.

The video runs 28:05 minutes in length. The fifth CCPI-CAST webinar in its entirety and other episodes are available to view separately.

About this Resource

Alternate Title
Community College Presidents Initiative-Science Technology Engineering, and Mathematics: A Conversation with There Community College Presidents Initiative Fellows
Date Issued
May 12th, 2023

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